Commit 65d44cfb authored by Benoit Rat's avatar Benoit Rat Committed by Alessandro Rubini

misc: parse git tag version in Makefile to display them in the output

parent 6772f13b
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ ifneq "$(TEMPLATE)" ""
## Obtain the version ($ is replaced by $$)
VERSION = $(shell git describe --always --dirty=+ | sed 's;^.*-\([v0-9\.]*\)\([a-z0-9\-+]*\)$$;\1\2;' )
## Obtain the version
VERSION = $(shell git describe --always --dirty=+ | sed 's;^wr-switch-sw-;;')
DATE = $(shell date +"%d %b. %Y")
#--highlight-style=pygments (the default), kate, monochrome, espresso, haddock, and tango
......@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ STRIP = $(CROSS_COMPILE)strip
GIT_VER = $(shell git describe --always --dirty=+ | sed 's;^[a-zA-Z\-]*-\(.*\)$$;\1;' )
GIT_VER = $(shell git describe --always --dirty=+ | sed 's;^wr-switch-sw-;;')
GIT_USR = $(shell git config --get-all
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