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  • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    userspace: update sdb code and tools to upstream commit d22c178 · e0f6fa9e
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    This upgrades user-space sdb code the new upstream commit.
    This is the result of sdb-read on the switch, for the fpga area:
      wrs- -l -m 0x100000@0x10000000 -e 0x70000 /dev/mem
      0000000000000651:e6a542c9 @ 00000000-0007ffff WB4-Crossbar-GSI
      0000000000000651:eef0b198 @ 00000000-0001ffff WB4-Bridge-GSI
      0000000000000651:e6a542c9 @ 00000000-0001ffff   WB4-Crossbar-GSI
      000000000000ce42:66cfeb52 @ 00000000-0000ffff   WB4-BlockRAM
      000000000000ce42:e2d13d04 @ 00010000-000100ff   WR-Periph-UART
      000000000000ce42:65158dc0 @ 00010100-000101ff   WR-Soft-PLL
      000000000000ce42:e503947e @ 00010200-0001021f   WB-SPI.Control
      000000000000ce42:441c5143 @ 00010300-000103ff   WB-GPIO-Port
      000000000000ce42:57494266 @ 00010400-000104ff   WB Simple Timer
      000000000000ce42:de0d8ced @ 00010500-000105ff   WR-PPS-Generator
      000000000000ce42:ba07b9d3 @ 00020000-0002ffff WRSW NIC
      0000000000000651:eef0b198 @ 00030000-00037fff WB4...