1. 08 Jan, 2014 1 commit
  2. 18 Dec, 2013 3 commits
  3. 30 Oct, 2013 5 commits
  4. 03 Jul, 2013 1 commit
  5. 01 Jul, 2013 4 commits
    • Federico Vaga's avatar
      trigger: new trigger operation arm to handle trigger arming · 753d0dcc
      Federico Vaga authored
      This commit adds a new trigger operation: arm.  The operation is
      useful because it allows a trigger to define its own procedure to arm
      itself. It is used by the fmc-adc-100Ms-14bit-4cha driver.
      At the moment, nobody use the trigger operation data_done() and abort()
      because the generic one work in most of the case, and tipically there
      is nothing special to do if the arming procedure is always the same.
      This patch make sense of these operations because if you need a custom
      arm(), probably, you also need a custom data_done() and abort().
      Signed-off-by: 's avatarFederico Vaga <federico.vaga@gmail.com>
      Acked-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Federico Vaga's avatar
      zzero: add support for interleaving · c34c5aee
      Federico Vaga authored
      Zero is the testing tool for zio features, and a show case for driver
      writers (the "simple" one is zio-mini). So, now that the core supports
      interleave, zio-zero should do as well.
      Signed-off-by: 's avatarFederico Vaga <federico.vaga@gmail.com>
      Acked-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Federico Vaga's avatar
      core: add support to interleaving · f48e0d62
      Federico Vaga authored
      If a cset->flags has ZIO_CSET_INTERLEAVE_ONLY or
      ZIO_CSET_CHAN_INTERLEAVE, then ZIO creates an additional channel in
      the cset: the interleaved channel.  As for normal channels, the
      interleaved channel has 2 char device:
      If cset flags include ZIO_CSET_INTERLEAVE_ONLY, ZIO creates only
      interleaved channel char devices. From the sysfs you can
      enable/disable only the interleaved channel; all the other channels
      are always disabled.
      If cset flags include ZIO_CSET_CHAN_INTERLEAVE, ZIO creates all char
      devices for normal channels and also for the interleaved channel. By
      default the interleaved channel is disabled. You can enable the
      interleaved channel from sysfs; this choice automatically disable all
      the other channels.
      Interleave support is needed for the fmc-adc-100ms-14b-4cha driver.
      Maybe this is not the final approach to interleave, but it is
      working and well-tested, so the time is ripe to have it in master.
      Maybe we'll change some details about interleave support, in the
      Signed-off-by: 's avatarFederico Vaga <federico.vaga@gmail.com>
      Acked-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      chardev: fix race conditions for concurrent rd/wr · 7c1ae8be
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      This is a long-standing bug, when more than one process access
      concurrently the char devices. This adds proper locking and solved the
      Also, a new policy for writing control is in place: if you write
      control, any partial block (unless empty) is pushed to the pipeline.
      This matches the idea that after write(2) accepts data, it cannot be lost.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
      Acked-by: 's avatarFederico Vaga <federico.vaga@gmail.com>
  6. 29 May, 2013 3 commits
  7. 21 May, 2013 2 commits
  8. 07 May, 2013 4 commits
  9. 02 May, 2013 6 commits
  10. 22 Apr, 2013 5 commits
  11. 27 Mar, 2013 3 commits
  12. 25 Mar, 2013 3 commits