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  • Federico Vaga's avatar
    zio-sysfs.h: change zio_attribute structure (incompatible) · 7554f819
    Federico Vaga authored
    This patch removes the union field priv in the zio_attribute and it
    introduces the id field. From our experience, the priv.ptr pointer
    is useless; the priv.addr field can be used for every purpose, also
    if you have your own private structure.
    The new field id replaces the role of priv.addr. It can represent a
    register address, a register offset, an index of a vector of private
    structure which describe how to gain access to a register, or whatever
    can describe uniquely a register (or register field)
    Signed-off-by: default avatarFederico Vaga <>
    Acked-by: default avatarAlessandro Rubini <>