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  • Federico Vaga's avatar
    core: add support to interleaving · f48e0d62
    Federico Vaga authored and Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini committed
    If a cset->flags has ZIO_CSET_INTERLEAVE_ONLY or
    ZIO_CSET_CHAN_INTERLEAVE, then ZIO creates an additional channel in
    the cset: the interleaved channel.  As for normal channels, the
    interleaved channel has 2 char device:
    If cset flags include ZIO_CSET_INTERLEAVE_ONLY, ZIO creates only
    interleaved channel char devices. From the sysfs you can
    enable/disable only the interleaved channel; all the other channels
    are always disabled.
    If cset flags include ZIO_CSET_CHAN_INTERLEAVE, ZIO creates all char
    devices for normal channels and also for the interleaved channel. By
    default the interleaved channel is disabled. You can enable the
    interleaved channel from sysfs; this choice automatically disable all
    the other channels.
    Interleave support is needed for the fmc-adc-100ms-14b-4cha driver.
    Maybe this is not the final approach to interleave, but it is
    working and well-tested, so the time is ripe to have it in master.
    Maybe we'...