Commit fd5aa7b7 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬

dev: allow updates of existing entries in the SFP database

To update an entry when SFP database is in the eeprom, particular entry
is searched then simply updated.
On the other hand, when SFP database is in the flash simple update is
not possible. First old database is copied to the memory, then updated in
memory. After, the erase of the entire flash block is performed. At the end
updated information is written into the flash.
Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 616e4aa1
......@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@
* ------------------------------------------------
#define SFP_DB_EMPTY 0xff
static uint8_t sfpcount = SFP_DB_EMPTY;
uint8_t has_eeprom = 0;
static int i2cif, i2c_addr; /* globals, using the names we always used */
......@@ -137,7 +141,7 @@ static int eeprom_write(uint8_t i2cif, uint8_t i2c_addr, uint32_t offset,
int32_t storage_sfpdb_erase(void)
uint8_t sfpcount = 0;
sfpcount = 0;
//just a dummy function that writes '0' to sfp count field of the SFP DB
if (eeprom_write(i2cif, i2c_addr, EE_BASE_SFP, &sfpcount,
......@@ -147,28 +151,44 @@ int32_t storage_sfpdb_erase(void)
return sfpcount;
int storage_get_sfp(struct s_sfpinfo * sfp,
uint8_t add, uint8_t pos)
static uint8_t sfp_chksum(uint8_t *ptr)
static uint8_t sfpcount = 0;
uint8_t i, chksum = 0;
uint8_t *ptr;
int i;
uint8_t chksum = 0;
if (pos >= SFPS_MAX)
return EE_RET_POSERR; //position in database outside the range
/* '-1' because we do not include chksum in computation */
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(struct s_sfpinfo) - 1; ++i)
chksum = (uint8_t) ((uint16_t) chksum + *(ptr++)) & 0xff;
return chksum;
//read how many SFPs are in the database, but only in the first call (pos==0)
if (!pos
int storage_get_sfp(struct s_sfpinfo *sfp, uint8_t oper, uint8_t pos)
uint8_t i;
struct s_sfpinfo dbsfp;
if (pos >= SFPS_MAX) {
/* position in database outside the range */
/* Read how many SFPs are in the database, but only in the first call
if (sfpcount == SFP_DB_EMPTY
&& eeprom_read(i2cif, i2c_addr, EE_BASE_SFP, &sfpcount,
sizeof(sfpcount)) != sizeof(sfpcount))
return EE_RET_I2CERR;
if (add && sfpcount == SFPS_MAX) //no more space in the database to add new SFPs
else if (!pos && !add && sfpcount == 0) //there are no SFPs in the database to read
return sfpcount;
/* for not written flash set sfpcount to 0 */
if (sfpcount == SFP_DB_EMPTY)
sfpcount = 0;
if (!oper) {
if (sfpcount == 0) {
/* There are no SFPs in the database to read */
return 0;
if (!add) {
if (eeprom_read(i2cif, i2c_addr,
EE_BASE_SFP + sizeof(sfpcount)
+ pos * sizeof(struct s_sfpinfo),
......@@ -176,27 +196,42 @@ int storage_get_sfp(struct s_sfpinfo * sfp,
!= sizeof(struct s_sfpinfo) )
return EE_RET_I2CERR;
ptr = (uint8_t *) sfp;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(struct s_sfpinfo) - 1; ++i) //'-1' because we do not include chksum in computation
chksum =
(uint8_t) ((uint16_t) chksum + *(ptr++)) & 0xff;
if (chksum != sfp->chksum)
if (sfp_chksum((uint8_t *)sfp) != sfp->chksum)
} else {
/*count checksum */
ptr = (uint8_t *) sfp;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(struct s_sfpinfo) - 1; ++i) //'-1' because we do not include chksum in computation
chksum =
(uint8_t) ((uint16_t) chksum + *(ptr++)) & 0xff;
sfp->chksum = chksum;
/*add SFP at the end of DB */
if (oper) {
for (i = 0; i < sfpcount; i++) {
if (eeprom_read(i2cif, i2c_addr,
EE_BASE_SFP + sizeof(sfpcount)
+ i * sizeof(struct s_sfpinfo),
(uint8_t *)&dbsfp, sizeof(struct s_sfpinfo))
!= sizeof(struct s_sfpinfo))
return EE_RET_I2CERR;
if (!strncmp(, sfp->pn, 16)) { /* sfp matched */
pp_printf("Update existing SFP entry\n");
if (i >= SFPS_MAX) { /* database is full */
/* Count checksum */
sfp->chksum = sfp_chksum((uint8_t *)sfp);
/* Add an entry at the given pos in the DB */
eeprom_write(i2cif, i2c_addr,
EE_BASE_SFP + sizeof(sfpcount)
+ sfpcount * sizeof(struct s_sfpinfo),
+ i * sizeof(struct s_sfpinfo),
(uint8_t *) sfp, sizeof(struct s_sfpinfo));
eeprom_write(i2cif, i2c_addr, EE_BASE_SFP, &sfpcount,
if (i >= sfpcount) {
pp_printf("Adding new SFP entry\n");
/* We're adding a new entry, update sfpcount */
eeprom_write(i2cif, i2c_addr, EE_BASE_SFP, &sfpcount,
return sfpcount;
......@@ -204,14 +239,14 @@ int storage_get_sfp(struct s_sfpinfo * sfp,
int storage_match_sfp(struct s_sfpinfo * sfp)
uint8_t sfpcount = 1;
int8_t i, temp;
int8_t i;
int sfp_cnt = 1;
struct s_sfpinfo dbsfp;
for (i = 0; i < sfpcount; ++i) {
sfpcount = storage_get_sfp(&dbsfp, 0, i);
if (sfpcount <= 0)
return sfpcount;
for (i = 0; i < sfp_cnt; ++i) {
sfp_cnt = storage_get_sfp(&dbsfp, 0, i);
if (sfp_cnt <= 0)
return sfp_cnt;
if (!strncmp(, sfp->pn, 16)) {
sfp->dTx = dbsfp.dTx;
......@@ -402,8 +402,7 @@ static int sfp_valid(struct s_sfpinfo *sfp)
return 1;
int storage_get_sfp(struct s_sfpinfo * sfp,
uint8_t add, uint8_t pos)
static int sfp_entry(struct s_sfpinfo *sfp, uint8_t add, uint8_t pos)
static uint8_t sfpcount = 0;
struct s_sfpinfo tempsfp;
......@@ -478,6 +477,67 @@ out:
return ret;
static int storage_update_sfp(struct s_sfpinfo *sfp)
int sfpcount = 1;
int temp;
int8_t i;
struct s_sfpinfo sfp_db[SFPS_MAX];
struct s_sfpinfo *dbsfp;
/* copy entries from flash to the memory, update entry if matched */
for (i = 0; i < sfpcount; ++i) {
dbsfp = &sfp_db[i];
sfpcount = sfp_entry(dbsfp, 0, i);
if (sfpcount <= 0)
return sfpcount;
if (!strncmp(dbsfp->pn, sfp->pn, 16)) {
/* update matched entry */
dbsfp->dTx = sfp->dTx;
dbsfp->dRx = sfp->dRx;
dbsfp->alpha = sfp->alpha;
/* erase entire database */
if (storage_sfpdb_erase() == EE_RET_I2CERR) {
pp_printf("Could not erase DB\n");
return -1;
/* add all SFPs */
for (i = 0; i < sfpcount; ++i) {
dbsfp = &sfp_db[i];
temp = sfp_entry(dbsfp, 1, 0);
if (temp < 0) {
/* if error, return it */
return temp;
return i;
int storage_get_sfp(struct s_sfpinfo *sfp, uint8_t add, uint8_t pos)
struct s_sfpinfo tmp_sfp;
if (!add) {
/* Get SFP entry */
return sfp_entry(sfp, add, pos);
/* storage_match_sfp replaces content of parameter, so do the copy
* first */
tmp_sfp = *sfp;
if (!storage_match_sfp(&tmp_sfp)) { /* add a new sfp entry */
pp_printf("Adding new SFP entry\n");
return sfp_entry(sfp, 1, 0);
pp_printf("Update existing SFP entry\n");
return storage_update_sfp(sfp);
int storage_match_sfp(struct s_sfpinfo * sfp)
uint8_t sfpcount = 1;
......@@ -485,7 +545,7 @@ int storage_match_sfp(struct s_sfpinfo * sfp)
struct s_sfpinfo dbsfp;
for (i = 0; i < sfpcount; ++i) {
sfpcount = storage_get_sfp(&dbsfp, 0, i);
sfpcount = sfp_entry(&dbsfp, 0, i);
if (sfpcount <= 0)
return sfpcount;
if (!strncmp(, sfp->pn, 16)) {
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