Commit f80c16e2 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬

doc: add documentation for netconsole

Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 619a4ff7
......@@ -880,6 +880,89 @@ Depending on your board, 1-PPS output is produced on:
\item \textbf{VFC-HD}: VFC-HD LEMO L3
% ==========================================================================
From the version 4.3 of WRPC the output from the serial console can be
redirected\footnote{Such redirection includes \texttt{gui} command.
To exit from \texttt{gui} when using the netconsole, please type
\texttt{<Esc>} followed by \texttt{<Enter>}.}
using UDP packets (port 55) to a remote host in the network via WR port. To use such
functionality WRPC has to have compiled in option \texttt{CONFIG\_NETCONSOLE}.
To be able to configure netconsole from WRPC's command line the option
\texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_NETCONSOLE} has to be set in the dot-config.
To make sure that netconsole is enabled, please execute \texttt{netconsole}
command in the WRPC's shell:
wrc# netconsole
netconsole turned off
The above means that netconsole is ready to accept connections from a remote
host. On the remote host, please execute the \texttt{nc}
(or \texttt{netcat})\footnote{This is a standard tool which is installed on
most Linux machines by default} command with the following parameters:
host_pc$ nc -u <IP> 55
When any command is send via netconsole to WRPC it will start responding
immediately. Please note that to trigger the sending of a command the
\texttt{<enter>} key has to be pressed.
Example session of a netconsole may look the following (on a host):
$ nc -u 55
running; e2e slave
At the same time the follwing will be printed on the serial console:
wrc# temp
wrc# mode
running; e2e slave
Please note that all the input given on a host side will be printed twice in
the netconsole, but only once in serial console. This will also bring an extra
newline when \texttt{<enter>} is pressed. When all the interaction is made from
a serial console, no extra newlines are introduced.
Such behavior is caused by a \texttt{nc}. To get rid of such behavior custom
version of \texttt{nc} would have to be distributed, which intentionally is
To disable netconsole completely, please execute command:
wrc# netconsole disable
netconsole disabled
To make netconsole to listen for incoming messages please execute the folling
wrc# netconsole off
netconsole turned off
Alternatively IP, MAC and port number of netconsole's peer can be entered
manually, so netconsole will start sending packets to a given location.
wrc# netconsole 90:e2:ba:1a:c6:78 53364
netconsole's peer: MAC: 90:e2:ba:1a:c6:78 IP: port: 53364
Worth to mentione here is that \texttt{nc} accepts parameter \texttt{-p}
which specifies on which port \texttt{nc} will communicate on the host side.
WRPC also may have support of configuring netconsole via SNMP, for details
please check the section~\ref{Configuring netconsole via SNMP}.
% ==========================================================================
\section{WRPC diagnostics}
......@@ -1193,6 +1276,44 @@ $ snmpset -t 20 $SNMP_OPT wrpcSdbApply.0 = eraseFlash
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSdbApply.0 = INTEGER: applySuccessful(100)
% ==========================================================================
\subsubsection{Configuring netconsole via SNMP}
\label{Configuring netconsole via SNMP}
It is possible to check the status and configure the netconsole described in
section~\ref{Netconsole} via SNMP. Additionally it is possible to get MAC, IP
and port number of a peer via SNMP.
To be albe to read the above parameters the option
\texttt{CONFIG\_SNMP\_NETCONSOLE} has to be enabled.
$ snmpwalk $SNMP_OPT wrpcNetconsoleGetGroup
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcNetconsoleGetStatus.0 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcNetconsoleGetPeerMac.0 = STRING: 90:e2:ba:1a:c6:78
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcNetconsoleGetPeerIp.0 = IpAddress:
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcNetconsoleGetPeerPort.0 = INTEGER: 53364
If SNMP sets are enabled with option \texttt{CONFIG\_SNMP\_SET}, it is possible
to change netconsole's mode to \texttt{disable} and \texttt{off} via SNMP.
For more details please check section~\ref{Netconsole}.
Set netconsole's mode to \texttt{off}:
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcNetconsoleSetApply.0 = off
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcNetconsoleSetApply.0 = INTEGER: applySuccessful(100)
Set netconsole's mode to \texttt{disable}.
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcNetconsoleSetApply.0 = disable
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcNetconsoleSetApply.0 = INTEGER: applySuccessful(100)
As today there is no possibility to set parameters like MAC, IP and port number
of netconsole's peer via SNMP.
% ==========================================================================
......@@ -1701,6 +1822,12 @@ udp-based network services, in addition to \textit{ptp}:
If \texttt{CONFIG\_SNMP} is set, the node is a snmp agent.
See section \ref{Diagnostics via SNMP} for details.\\
& \\
\textit{ netconsole } &
If \texttt{CONFIG\_NETCONSOLE} is set, the node may mirror all serial
console's output to the remote host. See section~\ref{Netconsole}
for details.\\
......@@ -1919,7 +2046,9 @@ tools used to build and run it, you can write to our mailing list
After setting the mode, \texttt{ptp start} must be re-issued \\
\code{netconsole} & prints peer's MAC, IP and port number used by
the netconsole \\
the netconsole; to enable \code{netconsole} command
\texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_NETCONSOLE} has to be set in the dot-config; for more
information about netconsole please refer to the section \ref{Netconsole}\\
\code{netconsole <MAC> <IP> <PORT>} & sets peer's MAC, IP and port number for
the netconsole \\
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