Commit e885d463 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek

doc: update doc with new monitor

Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 65e4b4ab
......@@ -821,17 +821,20 @@ WR synchronization status:
wrc# gui
The information is presented in a clear, auto-refreshing screen (see the figure blow).
The information is presented in a clear, auto-refreshing screen (see the
figure below).
The information is refreshed at every WR iteration or periodically if
nothing else happens (so you see an up-to-date timestamp). The period
defaults to 1 second and can be changed using the \texttt{refresh} command. To
nothing else happens (so you see an up-to-date timestamp). Only values are
updated at every refresh. To force refresh of entire gui please press
\texttt{r} key. To
exit from this console mode press <Esc>. A full description of the information
reporter by \textit{gui} is provided in Appendix \ref{WRPC GUI elements}.
\noindent\textbf{Note:} the \textit{Synchronization status} and \textit{Timing
parameters} in \texttt{gui} are available only in the WR Slave mode. When
running as WR Master, you can see only the current date and time,
link status, Tx and Rx packet counters, IP, lock and calibration status.
running as \textit{WR Master} or \textit{WR Grand Master}, you can see only
the part above \texttt{Synchronization status}.

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