Commit c6b4218d authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬

lib/snmp: remove get_tics and get_date

We don't use these functions.
Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 82c66565
......@@ -668,31 +668,6 @@ static int func_table(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t in_oid_limb_matched_len,
return return_len;
/* These get the actual information, returning the length */
static int get_tics(uint8_t *buf, struct snmp_oid *obj)
uint32_t tics = htonl(timer_get_tics() / 10); /* hundredths... bah! */
memcpy(buf + 2, &tics, sizeof(tics));
buf[1] = sizeof(tics);
return 2 + sizeof(tics);
static int get_date(uint8_t *buf, struct snmp_oid *obj)
uint64_t secs;
char *datestr;
shw_pps_gen_get_time(&secs, NULL);
datestr = format_time(secs, TIME_FORMAT_SNMP);
memcpy((void *)(buf + 2), datestr, 12);
buf[1] = 8; /* size is hardwired. See mib document or prev. commit */
buf[0] = ASN_OCTET_STR;
return 2 + buf[1];
static int get_servo(uint8_t *buf, struct snmp_oid *obj)
uint64_t tmp_uint64;
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