Commit c28d8537 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski Committed by Adam Wujek

tools: spll-recorder should not try to read from an empty FIFO

parent 92b55882
......@@ -1623,10 +1623,19 @@ void spll_readout_direct(struct board* board )
while( cnt < buf_size - max_record_size )
uint32_t fifo_sr = board->readl(board, OFFSET_SOFTPLL + offsetof( struct SPLL_WB, DFR_HOST_CSR ) );
if( got_a_full_record && ( fifo_sr & SPLL_DFR_HOST_CSR_EMPTY ) )
do {
fifo_sr = board->readl(board, OFFSET_SOFTPLL + offsetof( struct SPLL_WB, DFR_HOST_CSR ) );
} while( fifo_sr & SPLL_DFR_HOST_CSR_EMPTY );
uint32_t r = board->readl(board, OFFSET_SOFTPLL + offsetof( struct SPLL_WB, DFR_HOST_R0 ) );
buf[cnt++] = r;
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