Commit b808650b authored by Vincent van Beveren's avatar Vincent van Beveren

forgot some functions

parent c8beee64
Pipeline #4855 failed with stages
......@@ -318,6 +318,43 @@ end:
return _tuning_procedure;
static void sfp_oe_write_word(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint16_t val)
uint8_t tmp[2];
// printf("[Writing %02x.%02x<=%04x (%u)]", addr,reg,val, val);
tmp[0] = 0xFF & (val >> 8);
tmp[1] = 0xFF & (val);
sfp_i2c_mod_write(addr, reg, tmp, 2);
static uint16_t sfp_oe_read_word(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg)
uint8_t tmp[2];
uint16_t val;
sfp_i2c_mod_read(addr, reg, tmp, 2);
val = ( tmp[0] << 8 ) | tmp[1];
// printf("[Read %02x.%02x=>%04x (%u)]", addr,reg,val, val);
return val;
void sfp_oe_set_alarm_range(int32_t low, int32_t high)
if (low < 0) low = 0;
if (high > 65535) high = 65536;
sfp_oe_write_word(0xa2, 0x28, high);
sfp_oe_write_word(0xa2, 0x2c, high);
sfp_oe_write_word(0xa2, 0x2a, low);
sfp_oe_write_word(0xa2, 0x2f, low);
static void sfp_do_tune_word(int32_t * tw, bool write)
uint8_t tmp[4];
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