Commit a96ebd1c authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

TMP FIX: Gain schedule keeps restarting in mode gm

parent 4b727104
Pipeline #1795 failed with stage
in 3 seconds
......@@ -65,11 +65,12 @@ static void spec7_spll_setup(void)
gs->n_stages = 2; // 2 stages: SPEC7 Crysteck => HPSEC Morion MV336
spll_set_gain_schedule( gs );
gs->n_stages = 1; // 1 stage: SPEC7 Crysteck
//spll_set_gain_schedule( gs ); // Repair: Gain schedule keeps restarting in mode gm
spll_set_gain_schedule( gs );
void spec7_set_pll_wr_mode(int wrc_ptp_mode)
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