Commit 5e98c186 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek

boards/ertm14: fix C_GREY in cmd_ertm14

Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 754f4fd3
......@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ static int ertm14_monitor_ui(void)
cprintf(C_BLUE, "eRTM14/15 Board Monitor");
cprintf(C_GREY, "\nEsc = exit\n\n");
cprintf(C_MAGENTA, "\nEsc = exit\n\n");
ret = diag_read_word(8, DIAG_RO_BANK, &val);
......@@ -356,15 +356,15 @@ static int ertm14_monitor_ui(void)
return 0;
cprintf(C_WHITE, "NCO Sync Status:\n");
cprintf(C_GREY, "Streamer RX Message count: ");
cprintf(C_MAGENTA, "Streamer RX Message count: ");
cprintf(C_WHITE, "%d\n", val);
cprintf(C_GREY, "LO DDS Sync Mode: ");
cprintf(C_MAGENTA, "LO DDS Sync Mode: ");
cprintf(C_WHITE, "%s\n", nco_sync_source_to_string(st->lo.sync_source));
cprintf(C_GREY, "REF DDS Sync Mode: ");
cprintf(C_MAGENTA, "REF DDS Sync Mode: ");
cprintf(C_WHITE, "%s\n", nco_sync_source_to_string(st->ref.sync_source));
cprintf(C_GREY, "LO DDS Sync Triggers: ");
cprintf(C_MAGENTA, "LO DDS Sync Triggers: ");
cprintf(C_WHITE, "%d\n", st->lo.sync_count);
cprintf(C_GREY, "REF DDS Sync Triggers: ");
cprintf(C_MAGENTA, "REF DDS Sync Triggers: ");
cprintf(C_WHITE, "%d\n", st->ref.sync_count);
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