Commit 589adbd9 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek

dev/endpoint: fix warning, change sign of params delta_tx and delta_rx

Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 08d56d07
......@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ int ep_get_bitslide(struct wr_endpoint_device* dev)
/* Returns the TX/RX latencies. They are valid only when the link is up. */
int ep_get_deltas(struct wr_endpoint_device* dev, uint32_t * delta_tx, uint32_t * delta_rx)
int ep_get_deltas(struct wr_endpoint_device* dev, int *delta_tx, int *delta_rx)
/* fixme: these values should be stored in calibration block in the EEPROM on the FMC. Also, the TX/RX delays of a particular SFP
should be added here */
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ int ep_is_mac_addr_set(struct wr_endpoint_device* dev);
int ep_enable(struct wr_endpoint_device* dev, int enabled, int autoneg);
int ep_link_up(struct wr_endpoint_device* dev, uint16_t * lpa);
int ep_get_bitslide(struct wr_endpoint_device* dev);
int ep_get_deltas(struct wr_endpoint_device* dev,uint32_t * delta_tx, uint32_t * delta_rx);
int ep_get_deltas(struct wr_endpoint_device *dev, int *delta_tx, int *delta_rx);
int ep_timestamper_cal_pulse(struct wr_endpoint_device* dev);
int ep_sfp_enable(struct wr_endpoint_device* dev, int ena);
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