Commit 588d3de1 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek

monitor: use is_slaveOnly and is_masterOnly

These are used to optimize the code if usage of slaveOnly or/and masterOnly
is forced to be disabled in PPSI
Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 6ce89ba6
......@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ void print_main_data(void)
// Evaluate the instance configuration
if (ppg->defaultDS->slaveOnly) {
if (is_slaveOnly(ppg->defaultDS)) {
strncpy(str_config, "slaveOnly", sizeof(str_config) - 1);
} else {
if (is_externalPortConfigurationEnabled(ppg->defaultDS)) {
......@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ void print_main_data(void)
} else {
if (ppi_pt->portDS->masterOnly) {
if (is_masterOnly(ppi_pt->portDS)) {
strncpy(str_config, "masterOnly", sizeof(str_config) - 1);
} else {
strncpy(str_config, "auto", sizeof(str_config) - 1);
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