Commit 34e4a5f4 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

dev: silence some debug clutter

parent b5882e0b
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ int ltc6953_configure_output( struct ltc695x_device *dev, int output, int divide
uint8_t div_mp, div_md;
dev_dbg("ltc6953 out %d div=%d inv=%d\n", output, divider, invert );
//dev_dbg("ltc6953 out %d div=%d inv=%d\n", output, divider, invert );
// Mx = (MPx + 1) • 2^MDx
// Note: For proper operation, MDx must be 0 if Mx is less than or equal to 32.
......@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ int ltc6953_configure_output( struct ltc695x_device *dev, int output, int divide
int base = (output * 4 + 0xc);
dev_dbg("div_mp = %d, div_md = %d\n", div_mp, div_md);
//dev_dbg("div_mp = %d, div_md = %d\n", div_mp, div_md);
dev_dbg("ltc6953 r%02x = %02x\n", base+0, or0 );
dev_dbg("ltc6953 r%02x = %02x\n", base+1, or1 );
//dev_dbg("ltc6953 r%02x = %02x\n", base+0, or0 );
//dev_dbg("ltc6953 r%02x = %02x\n", base+1, or1 );
ltc695x_write( dev, base + 0, or0 );
ltc695x_write( dev, base + 1, or1 );
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