Commit 2b2b26d8 authored by li hongming's avatar li hongming


parent e38409da
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ OUTPUT := $(OUTPUT-y)
GIT_VER = $(shell git describe --always --dirty | sed 's;^wr-switch-sw-;;')
all: tools $(OUTPUT).ram $(OUTPUT).vhd $(OUTPUT).mif
all: tools $(OUTPUT).ram $(OUTPUT).mif
.PRECIOUS: %.elf %.bin
.PHONY: all tools clean gitmodules $(PPSI)/ppsi.o
......@@ -135,9 +135,6 @@ config.o: .config
%.ram: tools %.bin
./tools/genraminit $*.bin 0 > $@
%.vhd: tools %.bin
./tools/genramvhd -s `. ./.config; echo $$CONFIG_RAMSIZE` $*.bin > $@
%.mif: tools %.bin
./tools/genrammif $*.bin `. ./.config; echo $$CONFIG_RAMSIZE` > $@
......@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@
#define EXT_PERIOD_NS 100
#define EXT_FREQ_HZ 10000000
#define EXT_PPS_LATENCY_PS 30000 // fixme: make configurable
#define EXT_PPS_LATENCY_PS 64400 // fixme: make configurable, change for WRSFL
void external_init(volatile struct spll_external_state *s, int ext_ref,
int realign_clocks)
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ SDBFS ?= no
CFLAGS = -Wall -ggdb -I../include
LDFLAGS = -lutil
ALL = genraminit genramvhd genrammif wrpc-uart-sw
ALL = genraminit genrammif wrpc-uart-sw
ALL += wrpc-w1-read wrpc-w1-write flash-write flash-read
ifneq ($(EB),no)
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