Commit 23c2b8a6 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek

monitor: remove timeIntervalToString_ns_dot_ps

remove timeIntervalToString_ns_dot_ps, use interval_to_string from ppsi instead
Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent eef6f3bf
......@@ -193,24 +193,6 @@ desired_states[] = {
char * timeIntervalToString_ns_dot_ps(TimeInterval time, char *buf)
int64_t nanos;
uint32_t picos;
char sign = ' ';
if (time < 0 && time != INT64_MIN) {
sign = '-';
time = -time;
sprintf(buf, "%c%Ld.%03d", sign, nanos, picos);
return buf;
char * timeToString_ps_as_ns(struct pp_time *time, char *buf)
char sign = '+';
......@@ -308,7 +290,7 @@ static char *optimized_pp_time_toString_ps_as_ns(struct pp_time *pptime, char *b
if (pptime->secs)
sprintf(buf,"%s sec ", timeToString_ps_as_ns(pptime, lbuf));
sprintf(buf,"%s nsec", timeIntervalToString_ns_dot_ps(pp_time_to_interval(pptime), lbuf));
sprintf(buf,"%s nsec", interval_to_string(pp_time_to_interval(pptime)));
return buf;
......@@ -769,7 +751,7 @@ void print_servo_data(struct pp_instance *ppi)
/* +- Timing parameters --------------------------------------------------------- */
pcprintf(21, 20, C_WHITE, "%19s nsec", timeIntervalToString_ns_dot_ps(ppg->currentDS->meanDelay, buf));
pcprintf(21, 20, C_WHITE, "%19s nsec", interval_to_string(ppg->currentDS->meanDelay));
/*delayMS */
pcprintf(22, 20, C_WHITE,"%24s", optimized_pp_time_toString_ps_as_ns(&ppi->servo->delayMS, buf));
......@@ -793,18 +775,18 @@ void print_servo_data(struct pp_instance *ppi)
/* delayAsymmetry */
pcprintf(24, 20, C_WHITE, "%19s nsec", timeIntervalToString_ns_dot_ps(ppi->portDS->delayAsymmetry, buf));
pcprintf(24, 20, C_WHITE, "%19s nsec", interval_to_string(ppi->portDS->delayAsymmetry));
/* delayCoefficient */
pcprintf(25, 23, C_WHITE, "%s", relativeDifferenceToString(ppi->asymmetryCorrectionPortDS.scaledDelayCoefficient, buf));
/* fpa */
pcprintf(25, 51, C_WHITE, "%Lu", ppi->asymmetryCorrectionPortDS.scaledDelayCoefficient); /* print as unsigned! */
/* ingressLatency */
pcprintf(26, 20, C_WHITE, "%19s nsec", timeIntervalToString_ns_dot_ps(ppi->timestampCorrectionPortDS.ingressLatency, buf));
pcprintf(26, 20, C_WHITE, "%19s nsec", interval_to_string(ppi->timestampCorrectionPortDS.ingressLatency));
/* egressLatency */
pcprintf(27, 20, C_WHITE, "%19s nsec", timeIntervalToString_ns_dot_ps(ppi->timestampCorrectionPortDS.egressLatency, buf));
pcprintf(27, 20, C_WHITE, "%19s nsec", interval_to_string(ppi->timestampCorrectionPortDS.egressLatency));
/* semistaticLatency */
pcprintf(28, 20, C_WHITE, "%19s nsec", timeIntervalToString_ns_dot_ps(ppi->timestampCorrectionPortDS.semistaticLatency, buf));
pcprintf(28, 20, C_WHITE, "%19s nsec", interval_to_string(ppi->timestampCorrectionPortDS.semistaticLatency));
/*if (0) {
cprintf(C_BLUE, "Fiber asymmetry: ");
......@@ -813,7 +795,7 @@ void print_servo_data(struct pp_instance *ppi)
/* offsetFromMaster */
pcprintf(29, 20, C_WHITE, "%19s nsec", timeIntervalToString_ns_dot_ps (ppg->currentDS->offsetFromMaster, buf));
pcprintf(29, 20, C_WHITE, "%19s nsec", interval_to_string (ppg->currentDS->offsetFromMaster));
row_offset = 30;
if (wr_servo) {
/* Phase setpoint */
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