Commit 1abb1e2c authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

tools: add 'pll' mode in wrpc-dump

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 8103ed49
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ sdb-wrpc.bin: sdbfs
wrpc-dump: wrpc-dump.c
$(CC) -m32 $(CFLAGS) -I../ppsi/include -I../ppsi/arch-wrpc/include \
-I ../sdb-lib \
-I ../softpll \
$^ -o $@
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <ppsi/ppsi.h>
#include "libsdbfs.h" /* ntohll */
#include <softpll_ng.h>
/* We have a problem: ppsi is built for wrpc, so it has ntoh[sl] wrong */
#undef ntohl
......@@ -418,6 +418,50 @@ static struct dump_info ppi_info [] = {
#define DUMP_STRUCT struct softpll_state
static struct dump_info pll_info [] = {
DUMP_FIELD(int, mode),
DUMP_FIELD(int, seq_state),
DUMP_FIELD(int, dac_timeout),
DUMP_FIELD(int, default_dac_main),
DUMP_FIELD(int, delock_count),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll_shift_ps),
DUMP_FIELD(int, helper.p_adder),
DUMP_FIELD(int, helper.p_setpoint),
DUMP_FIELD(int, helper.tag_d0),
DUMP_FIELD(int, helper.ref_src),
DUMP_FIELD(int, helper.sample_n),
DUMP_FIELD(int, helper.delock_count),
/* FIXME: missing helper.pi etc.. */
DUMP_FIELD(int, ext.enabled),
DUMP_FIELD(int, ext.align_state),
DUMP_FIELD(int, ext.align_timer),
DUMP_FIELD(int, ext.align_target),
DUMP_FIELD(int, ext.align_step),
DUMP_FIELD(int, ext.align_shift),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.state),
/* FIXME: mpll.pi etc */
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.adder_ref),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.adder_out),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.tag_ref),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.tag_out),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.tag_ref_d),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.tag_out_d),
DUMP_FIELD(uint32_t, mpll.seq_ref),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.seq_out),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.match_state),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.match_seq),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.phase_shift_target),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.phase_shift_current),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.id_ref),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.id_out),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.sample_n),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.delock_count),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.dac_index),
DUMP_FIELD(int, mpll.enabled),
/* FIXME: aux_state and ptracker_state -- variable-len arrays */
/* Use: wrs_dump_memory <file> <hex-offset> <name> */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
......@@ -467,6 +511,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
#define ARRAY_AND_SIZE(x) (x), ARRAY_SIZE(x)
/* Now check the "name" to be dumped */
if (!strcmp(argv[3], "pll")) {
printf("pll at 0x%lx\n", offset);
dump_many_fields(mapaddr + offset,
if (!strcmp(argv[3], "ppg")) {
printf("ppg at 0x%lx\n", offset);
dump_many_fields(mapaddr + offset,
......@@ -483,6 +532,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* This "all" gets the ppg pointer. It's not really all: no pll */
if (!strcmp(argv[3], "all")) {
unsigned long newoffset;
struct pp_globals *ppg;
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