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  • Theodor-Adrian Stana's avatar
    Fixed flash-write RSR issues and reset SDB-CONFIG file · c3f90208
    Theodor-Adrian Stana authored and Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk committed
    The issue was due to a bug in gpio_in, which was doing an AND with
    the value of GPIO_SPI_MISO, which was set to the pin offset, instead
    of what it was set in the include/syscon.h file.
    When I copied the gpio functions from include/syscon.h, I overlooked
    the fact that the pins for the gpio functions there are set using
    wbgen macros that actually perform the shifting, and I simply copied
    the functions and redefined the GPIO_SPI_MISO macros as offsets.
    The issue has been fixed by redefining the gpio_in function as an
    AND with the value (1 << PIN_NR). This fixes everything.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTheodor Stana <>