Commit db042c71 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk Committed by Adam Wujek

userspace/tools/wrs_auxclk: improve verification if requested signal can be generated

parent 2994b5e3
......@@ -43,6 +43,22 @@ struct option ropts[] = {
/* data structures */
struct params {
float freq_mhz;
int period_ns;
float duty;
int h_width, l_width;
int cshift_ns;
int sigdel_taps;
int ppshift_taps;
int print_help(char *prgname)
fprintf(stderr, "Use: %s [--freq <MHz>] [--duty <frac>] [--cshift <ns>]"
......@@ -51,54 +67,64 @@ int print_help(char *prgname)
return 0;
int apply_settings(float freq_mhz, float duty, int cshift_ns, int sigdel_taps,
int ppshift_taps)
int calc_settings(struct params *req, struct params *calc)
int period_ns;
int h_width, l_width;
/*first check if values are in range*/
if( freq_mhz > MAX_FREQ || freq_mhz < MIN_FREQ ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Frequency outside range <%f; %d>\n", MIN_FREQ,
return 1;
if( !(duty > 0 && duty < 1) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Duty %f outside range (0; 1)\n", duty);
return 1;
/* calculate high and low width from frequency and duty */
period_ns = 1000 / freq_mhz;
h_width = period_ns/CNT_RES * duty;
l_width = period_ns/CNT_RES - h_width;
/* now check the coarse shift */
if( cshift_ns > period_ns || cshift_ns < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Coarse shift outside range <0; %d>\n",
return 1;
calc->freq_mhz = req->freq_mhz;
if (req->freq_mhz > MAX_FREQ)
calc->freq_mhz = MAX_FREQ;
if (req->freq_mhz < MIN_FREQ)
calc->freq_mhz = MIN_FREQ;
if (!(req->duty > 0 && req->duty < 1))
req->duty = 0.5;
req->period_ns = 1000 / calc->freq_mhz;
calc->h_width = req->period_ns/CNT_RES * req->duty;
calc->l_width = req->period_ns/CNT_RES - calc->h_width;
/* last step, calculate the actual frequency and period based on the
* actual h_width and l_width */
calc->period_ns = (calc->h_width + calc->l_width) * CNT_RES;
calc->freq_mhz = 1000 / calc->period_ns;
calc->duty = (float)calc->h_width*CNT_RES/calc->period_ns;
/* just copy the values that don't change */
calc->cshift_ns = req->cshift_ns;
calc->sigdel_taps = req->sigdel_taps;
calc->ppshift_taps = req->ppshift_taps;
/* check if what's about to be generated matches the request */
if (req->period_ns == calc->period_ns && req->duty == calc->duty)
return 0;
return -1;
gen10_write(PR, h_width);
gen10_write(DCR, l_width);
gen10_write(CSR, cshift_ns/CNT_RES);
gen10_write(IOR, sigdel_taps);
gen10_write(PPS_IOR, ppshift_taps);
int apply_settings(struct params *p)
gen10_write(PR, p->h_width);
gen10_write(DCR, p->l_width);
gen10_write(CSR, p->cshift_ns/CNT_RES);
gen10_write(IOR, p->sigdel_taps);
gen10_write(PPS_IOR, p->ppshift_taps);
/* now read the actual delay (in taps) from IODelays */
sigdel_taps = gen10_read(IOR);
sigdel_taps >>= GEN10_IOR_TAP_CUR_SHIFT;
ppshift_taps = gen10_read(PPS_IOR);
ppshift_taps >>= GEN10_PPS_IOR_TAP_CUR_SHIFT;
printf("Calculated settings:\n");
printf("period: %d ns (%d MHz)\n", period_ns, 1000/period_ns);
printf("high: %d ns; low: %d ns\n", h_width, l_width);
printf("duty: %f\n", (float)h_width*CNT_RES/period_ns);
printf("coarse shift: %d\n", (cshift_ns/CNT_RES)*CNT_RES);
printf("PPS shift: %d taps\n", ppshift_taps);
printf("Signal delay: %d taps\n", sigdel_taps);
p->sigdel_taps = gen10_read(IOR);
p->sigdel_taps >>= GEN10_IOR_TAP_CUR_SHIFT;
p->ppshift_taps = gen10_read(PPS_IOR);
p->ppshift_taps >>= GEN10_PPS_IOR_TAP_CUR_SHIFT;
return 0;
int print_settings(FILE *f, struct params *p)
fprintf(f, "frequency: %.3f MHz (%d ns)\n", p->freq_mhz, p->period_ns);
fprintf(f, "high: %d ns; low: %d ns\n", p->h_width, p->l_width);
fprintf(f, "duty: %f\n", p->duty);
fprintf(f, "coarse shift: %d\n", (p->cshift_ns/CNT_RES)*CNT_RES);
fprintf(f, "PPS shift: %d taps\n", p->ppshift_taps);
fprintf(f, "Signal delay: %d taps\n", p->sigdel_taps);
return 0;
......@@ -106,12 +132,10 @@ int apply_settings(float freq_mhz, float duty, int cshift_ns, int sigdel_taps,
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *prgname = argv[0];
float freq_mhz = DEF_FREQ;
float duty = DEF_DUTY;
int cshift_ns = DEF_CSHIFT;
int sigdel_taps = DEF_SIGDEL;
int ppshift_taps = DEF_PPSHIFT;
int c;
struct params req = {DEF_FREQ, 0, DEF_DUTY, 0, 0, DEF_CSHIFT,
struct params calc;
int c, ret;
if (shw_fpga_mmap_init() < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't access device memory\n", prgname);
......@@ -121,19 +145,19 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
while( (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h", ropts, NULL)) != -1) {
switch(c) {
case OPT_FREQ:
freq_mhz = (float) atof(optarg);
req.freq_mhz = (float) atof(optarg);
case OPT_DUTY:
duty = (float) atof(optarg);
req.duty = (float) atof(optarg);
cshift_ns = atoi(optarg);
req.cshift_ns = atoi(optarg);
sigdel_taps = atoi(optarg);
req.sigdel_taps = atoi(optarg);
ppshift_taps = atoi(optarg);
req.ppshift_taps = atoi(optarg);
case OPT_HELP:
......@@ -142,6 +166,31 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return apply_settings(freq_mhz, duty, cshift_ns, sigdel_taps,
ret = calc_settings(&req, &calc);
if (!(calc.duty > 0 && calc.duty < 1)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Requested duty %.2f (calculated %.2f)"
" outside range (0; 1)\n", req.duty, calc.duty);
return 1;
/* now check the coarse shift */
if (calc.cshift_ns > calc.period_ns || calc.cshift_ns < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Coarse shift outside range <0; %d>\n",
return 1;
if (ret != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not generate required signal, here is "
"the alternative you could use:\n");
print_settings(stderr, &calc);
return 1;
printf("Applied settings:\n");
print_settings(stdout, &calc);
return 0;
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