Commit cb9734d4 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

wr_pstats: 18 ports by default

PSTATS_NPORTS in the kernel driver should be set by default to 18 ports, because
it's also used to create a table for cntrs values read from FPGA. If driver is
supposed to run on 8-port version of WRS, the parameter pstats_nports should be
set at load time.
parent 93453e47
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#define PSTATS_NPORTS 8 /* how many eth ports are in the switch */
#define PSTATS_NPORTS 18 /* how many eth ports are in the switch */
#define PSTATS_CNT_PP 39 /* how many counters per port */
#define PSTATS_ADR_PP ((PSTATS_CNT_PP+3)/4) /* how many address words are
* there per counter (each of
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#define pstats_wr(reg, val) \
_fpga_writel(FPGA_BASE_PSTATS + offsetof(struct PSTATS_WB, reg), val)
#define NPORTS 8
#define NPORTS 18
#define CNT_PP 39
struct cnt_word {
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