Commit b2775bfd authored by Miguel  Baizan's avatar Miguel Baizan

userspace/wrsw_snmpd: traffic classes enabled object is now false

parent 9e079059
......@@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ ieee8021BridgeBaseTable_container_load(netsnmp_container *container)
rowreq_ctx->column_exists_flags = COLUMNS_IMPLEMENTED;
rowreq_ctx->column_set_flags = 0; /* Read-Only */
/* Set indexes in the row requets context */
if (MFD_SUCCESS != ieee8021BridgeBaseTable_indexes_set(rowreq_ctx,
......@@ -389,8 +390,8 @@ ieee8021BridgeBaseTable_container_load(netsnmp_container *container)
/* Setup/save data for ieee8021BridgeBaseTrafficClassesEnabled */
/* TODO: WR: To be implemented when HW support for TCs be available */
/* rowreq_ctx->data.ieee8021BridgeBaseTrafficClassesEnabled =
rowreq_ctx->data.ieee8021BridgeBaseTrafficClassesEnabled =
/* Setup/save data for ieee8021BridgeBaseMmrpEnabledStatus */
/* TODO: WR: To be implemented when MMRP be developed */
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