Commit 8c9b02d9 authored by José Luis  Gutiérrez's avatar José Luis Gutiérrez Committed by Alessandro Rubini

www: New login system

New login system:

	- default login: "admin", password ""
	- possibility of changing password

Loging user&password are different from swith user/pass. It is now
stored in /etc/phpusers.
parent e79da606
<?php include 'functions.php'; include 'head.php'; ?>
<body id="ptp">
<div class="main">
<div class="page">
<div class="header" >
<!--<h1>White-Rabbit Switch Tool</h1>-->
<div class="header-ports" ><?php wrs_header_ports(); ?></div>
<div class="topmenu">
<?php include 'topmenu.php' ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="leftpanel">
<h2>Main Menu</h2>
<?php include 'menu.php' ?>
<div class="rightpanel">
<div class="rightbody">
<h1 class="title">User Administration <a href='help.php?help_id=network' onClick='showPopup(this.href);return(false);'><img align=right src="./img/question.png"></a></h1>
<?php session_is_started() ?>
<?php $_SESSION['advance']=""; ?>
<table border="0" align="left">
<form method="post">
<tr><th>Username: </th><th><INPUT type="text" name="user" ></th></tr>
<tr><th>Old Password: </th><th><INPUT type="password" name="oldpasswd" > </th></tr>
<tr><th>New Password: </th><th> <INPUT type="password" name="newpasswd" > </th></tr>
<tr><th>Confirm Password: </th><th><INPUT type="password" name="confirmpasswd" > </th></tr>
<tr><th></th><th align="center"><input type="submit" value="Change Password" class="btn"></th></tr>
//Change user password
if( empty($_POST['user'])){
echo '<br><br><br><p align=center>Please fill fields.<br></p>';
$saved_hash = shell_exec("cat /etc/phpusers | grep ".$_POST["user"]." | awk '{print $2}'");
$saved_hash = str_replace("\n","",$saved_hash);
$username = $_POST["user"];
$oldpassword = $_POST["oldpasswd"];
$newpasswd = $_POST["newpasswd"];
$confirmpasswd = $_POST["confirmpasswd"];
//First confirm old password
$pass = $oldpassword;
$hash = md5($pass); // md5 hash #1
$hash_md5 = md5($salt.$pass); // md5 hash with salt #2
$hash_md5_double = md5(sha1($salt.$pass)); // md5 hash with salt & sha1 #3
if (!strcmp($hash_md5_double, $saved_hash) && !strcmp($newpasswd, $confirmpasswd) && !strcmp($_POST["user"],$_SESSION['myusername'])){ //old password is correct && new and confirm are the same
//set the new one
$pass = $confirmpasswd;
$hash = md5($pass); // md5 hash #1
$hash_md5 = md5($salt.$pass); // md5 hash with salt #2
$hash_md5_double = md5(sha1($salt.$pass)); // md5 hash with salt & sha1 #3
//Save in file
//We save the changes in a temporarely file in /tmp
$old_value=$username." ".$saved_hash;
$new_value=$username." ".$hash_md5_double;
$output = shell_exec('cat /etc/phpusers | sed -i "s/'.$old_value.'/'.$new_value.'/g" /etc/phpusers'); //replace password for the user
//$file = fopen("/etc/phpusers","w+");
echo '<br><br><br><p align=center>Password changed.<br></p>';
echo '<br><br><br><p align=center>Error changing password.<br></p>';
if($success) header('Location: logout.php');
<div class="footer">
<?php include 'footer.php' ?>
......@@ -23,25 +23,50 @@
if(count($_POST)>0) {
$users = shell_exec('cat /etc/users');
$users = explode(" ", $users);
//If /etc/phpusers does not exist we create the file and "admin" "" user&pass
if (!file_exists("/etc/phpusers")) {
$username = "admin";
$password = "";
$pass = $password;
$hash = md5($pass); // md5 hash #1
$hash_md5 = md5($salt.$pass); // md5 hash with salt #2
$hash_md5_double = md5(sha1($salt.$pass)); // md5 hash with salt & sha1 #3
$output= $username." ".$hash_md5_double."\n";
$file = fopen("/etc/phpusers","w+");
$username = $_POST["login"];
$password = $_POST["password"];
if ((!strcmp($username, "root")) && (!strcmp($password, ""))){
$saved_hash = shell_exec("cat /etc/phpusers | grep ".$username." | awk '{print $2}'");
$saved_hash = str_replace("\n","",$saved_hash);
$user_exists = shell_exec("cat /etc/phpusers | grep -c ".$username);
$pass = $password;
$hash = md5($pass); // md5 hash #1
$hash_md5 = md5($salt.$pass); // md5 hash with salt #2
$hash_md5_double = md5(sha1($salt.$pass)); // md5 hash with salt & sha1 #3
if (!strcmp($hash_md5_double,$saved_hash) && $user_exists>0){
$_SESSION["myusername"] = $username;
echo 'Logged in as '.$_SESSION["myusername"];
header('Location: index.php');
echo 'Invalid Username or Password';
//if(isset($_SESSION["user_id"])) {
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