Commit 5f2b50fc authored by Jean-Claude BAU's avatar Jean-Claude BAU

VLANS: Change ppsi.conf generation

parent bbc6b291
......@@ -554,16 +554,16 @@ for i_port in {01..18}; do # scan all the physical ports
port_mode_trunk=$(eval "echo \$CONFIG_VLANS_PORT"$i_port"_MODE_TRUNK")
port_mode_unqualified=$(eval "echo \$CONFIG_VLANS_PORT"$i_port"_MODE_UNQUALIFIED")
port_mode_disabled=$(eval "echo \$CONFIG_VLANS_PORT"$i_port"_MODE_DISABLED")
raw_config=$(eval "echo \$CONFIG_VLANS_RAW_PORT_CONFIG")
port_vid=$(eval "echo \$CONFIG_VLANS_PORT"$i_port"_VID")
port_ptp_vid=$(eval "echo \$CONFIG_VLANS_PORT"$i_port"_PTP_VID")
if [ -z "$port_ptp_vid" ] ; then
# check port mode
if [ "$port_mode_access" = "y" ]; then
if [ "$raw_config" != "y" ]; then
# use "&> /dev/null" to avoid error when $ppsi_vlans
# is not a number
if [ "$port_ptp_vid" -ge 0 ] &> /dev/null \
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