Commit 3e9a409f authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek

[BUG: #212] userspace/wrsw_rtud: fix learning queue errors

Fix errors like:
Read learning queue: error -1

It could happen that the ioctl is interrupted by a signal. Handle such
case correctly.
Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 406b9854
......@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ static int irq_disabled = 1;
int rtu_read_learning_queue(struct rtu_request *req)
int err;
int errno_local;
if (irq_disabled) {
ioctl(fd, WR_RTU_IRQENA);
......@@ -235,8 +236,22 @@ int rtu_read_learning_queue(struct rtu_request *req)
// If learning queue is empty, wait for UFIFO IRQ
if (rtu_ufifo_is_empty()) {
err = ioctl(fd, WR_RTU_IRQWAIT);
if (err && (err != -EAGAIN))
errno_local = errno;
/* Check if ioctl was interrupted by a signal. Please note that
* the driver's function returns -ERESTARTSYS, but userspace
* gets -1 (and errno == EINTR) from the ioctl call. */
if (err == -1 && errno_local == EINTR)
return 1;
/* IRQ disabled, driver/ioctl sets errno to EAGAIN */
if (err == -1 && errno_local == EAGAIN)
return 2;
/* Other error */
if (err) {
pr_error("%s: error %d errno %s (%d)\n", __func__, err, strerror(errno_local), errno_local);
return err;
// read data from mapped IO memory
......@@ -280,9 +280,11 @@ static int rtu_daemon_learning_process(void)
} else {
} else if (err < 0) {
pr_error("Read learning queue: error %d\n", err);
/* If err > 0 retry rtu_read_learning_queue in the next loop
* iteration. */
return err;
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