Commit 053e07d9 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek

[BUG: #256] rootfs/etc/cron: fix path to leap_seconds_file_update script

And fix two typos in the script itself
Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent fe1ed782
# run wrs_leapsec every 3 hours to detect incoming leap second
00 */3 * * * /etc/init.d/
# run 1 time per day at 9:10. The script is then executed randomly in a 23 hours range
10 9 * * * /wr/init.d/ -r 1380
10 9 * * * /etc/init.d/leap_seconds_file_update -r 1380
# This script downloads the leap_seconds.list file.
# At startup, this scrip must be started after the dot-config startup script
# to be sur to use the correct version of dot-config
# At startup, this script must be started after the dot-config startup script
# to be sure to use the correct version of dot-config
# This script must be launched one time per day to search for a new leap seconds file
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