• Adam Wujek's avatar
    userspace/snmpd: (no tech change) rename fields in the wrsPtpDataTable_s · 2391521e
    Adam Wujek authored
    Rename fields in the struct wrsSpllVersionGroup_s to reflect SNMP objects'
    index -> wrsPtpDataIndex
    port_name -> wrsPtpPortName
    gm_id -> wrsPtpGrandmasterID
    my_id -> wrsPtpOwnID
    ppsi_mode -> wrsPtpMode
    servo_state_name -> wrsPtpServoState
    servo_state -> wrsPtpServoStateN
    tracking_enabled -> wrsPtpPhaseTracking
    sync_source -> wrsPtpSyncSource
    clock_offset -> wrsPtpClockOffsetPs
    clock_offsetHR -> wrsPtpClockOffsetPsHR
    skew -> wrsPtpSkew
    rtt -> wrsPtpRTT
    llength -> wrsPtpLinkLength
    servo_updates -> wrsPtpServoUpdates
    delta_tx_m -> wrsPtpDeltaTxM
    delta_rx_m -> wrsPtpDeltaRxM
    delta_tx_s -> wrsPtpDeltaTxS
    delta_rx_s -> wrsPtpDeltaRxS
    n_err_state -> wrsPtpServoStateErrCnt
    n_err_offset -> wrsPtpClockOffsetErrCnt
    n_err_delta_rtt -> wrsPtpRTTErrCnt
    update_time -> wrsPtpServoUpdateTime
    Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>