• Adam Wujek's avatar
    userspace/rootfs_override: make monit to start from inittab · 99cbeed5
    Adam Wujek authored
    When monit is started from inittab instead of script /etc/init.d/monit.sh
    it will be respawned after its crash.
    Support stopping/starting monit by /etc/init.d/monit.sh
    To stop monit, STOP signal is sent to it. By this, init will not respawn monit,
    because it is still present in process' list.
    Add disabling monit in dot-config by option CONFIG_MONIT_DISABLE.
    When monit is disabled by dot-config, monit.sh will sleep forever, to
    satisfy init and prevent respawning
    Update dot-config items in user-manual.
    Include only *.conf instead of all files from /etc/monit.d/.
    Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
inittab 1022 Bytes