The main purpose of the Clocking FMC is to test/prototype the clocking circuit proposed in the [WRS-4 main board (Hardware_Architecture)](/project/wr-switch-hw-v4/wikis/uploads/c4fa8bc97eeeb551c736146eae7b8e25/WRS-4_main_board_Hardware_Architecture_-v1.7-2020-06-09.pdf) document, section 3.4 (page 25-28). Additionally, the FMC has an SFP cage and it can be used to enable WR on a host board, such as e.g. AFCZ, or ZCU102/ZCU106 eval board.
The main purpose of the Clocking FMC is to test/prototype the clocking circuit proposed in the [WRS-4 main board (Hardware_Architecture)](/project/wr-switch-hw-v4/wikis/uploads/c4fa8bc97eeeb551c736146eae7b8e25/WRS-4_main_board_Hardware_Architecture_-v1.7-2020-06-09.pdf), section 3.4 (page 25-28). Additionally, the FMC has an SFP cage and it can be used to enable WR on a host board, such as e.g. AFCZ, or ZCU102/ZCU106 eval board.
## Reviews
| | Date | Design files | Issue label for comments | Comments | Status |
... | ... | @@ -8,6 +8,13 @@ The main purpose of the Clocking FMC is to test/prototype the clocking circuit p |
| 1 |2020-07 | schematics ([pdf](uploads/bafa3fcbd86ebd5de2fa91d144da2822/BRD-FCWR-01_V1_0.pdf) [rar](uploads/90c900bc35779996b8cac789f44ef3c0/BRD-FCWR-01.rar)) | clockingFMC-review-1 | [see issues](https://ohwr.org/project/wr-switch-hw-v4/issues?label_name%5B%5D=ClockingFMC-review-1) | Completed |
| 2 |2020-09 | schematics ([pdf](uploads/92dc142454ae0bb79289e66ae3117b70/BRD-FCWR-01_V1_0-draft-d.pdf)), [BOM](uploads/bca58e7aabc4ee310ee86e532f5c3ea6/BRD-FCWR-01_Part_List_V1_0.xls) | clockingFMC-review-2| | Ongoing |
NOTE: It is a prototype not intenend to be
## Description of the clocking circuit
*extract from [WRS-4 main board (Hardware_Architecture)](/project/wr-switch-hw-v4/wikis/uploads/c4fa8bc97eeeb551c736146eae7b8e25/WRS-4_main_board_Hardware_Architecture_-v1.7-2020-06-09.pdf)*
... | ... | |