Commit c0bfa27a authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

modules/swcore: assure proper pages storage to linked list when LL goes through S_SOF_ON_WR

If LL FSM goes through S_SOF_ON_WR state we have to ensure that the state of
mpm_dlast and new_pck_first_page is properly stored for S_IDLE state.
Otherwise, if RCV FSM is in S_RCV_DATA only for one cycle (and then goes to
DROP) we were not storing the start page with _valid_ and _eof_ high.
parent 80ecfc2f
......@@ -817,12 +817,20 @@ begin --archS_PCKSTART_SET_AND_REQ
-- default values:
mpm_dlast <= '0';
if(mpm_dlast = '1' and s_ll_write = S_SOF_ON_WR) then
mpm_dlast <= '1';
mpm_dlast <= '0';
end if;
mpm_dvalid <= '0';
in_pck_eof_on_pause <= '0';
--if(s_ll_write = S_WRITE) then
new_pck_first_page <= '0';
--end if;
if(new_pck_first_page = '1' and s_ll_write = S_SOF_ON_WR) then
-- in case LL FSM is in S_SOF_ON_WR, we need to keep
-- new_pck_first_page signal longer, otherwise we lose it..
new_pck_first_page <= '1';
new_pck_first_page <= '0';
end if;
case s_rcv_pck is
......@@ -906,9 +914,6 @@ begin --archS_PCKSTART_SET_AND_REQ
rcv_pckstart_new <= '0';
-- to extend the span of new_pck_first_page into s_ll_write = S_IDLE, when there is S_SOF
if(s_ll_write = S_SOF_ON_WR and new_pck_first_page = '1') then
new_pck_first_page <='1';
end if;
if(in_pck_dvalid = '1') then
in_pck_dvalid_d0 <= in_pck_dvalid;
in_pck_dat_d0 <= in_pck_dat;
......@@ -1151,7 +1156,7 @@ begin --archS_PCKSTART_SET_AND_REQ
-- requestd, but the request takes time (more then 1 cycle). so we delay setting of
-- *rp_rcv_first_page* to be able to copie the addr to be clearted (in ll_write FSM) from
-- current_pckstart_pageaddr in case *rp_rcv_first_page* is asserted
if(new_pck_first_page = '1' and rp_rcv_first_page = '0') then
if(new_pck_first_page = '1' and rp_rcv_first_page = '0' and mpm_dlast = '0') then
rp_rcv_first_page <= '1';
elsif((mpm_pg_req_i = '1' or mpm_dlast = '1') and rp_rcv_first_page = '1') then
rp_rcv_first_page <= '0';
......@@ -1951,25 +1956,35 @@ begin
-- indication
if(pckstart_page_in_advance = '1' or new_pck_first_page = '1') then
ll_wr_req <= '1';
ll_entry.valid <= '0';
ll_entry.eof <= '0';
-- if we've already started sending new pck, then new page already can be allocated
-- (this is because we trigger allocation of new pckstart_pageaddr as soon as
-- we use it at the beginning of RCV_DATA)
-- but we need to clear previously allocated pckstart_pageaddr (this was stored
-- in current_pckstart_pageaddr).
-- such situation can happen only within the first page, if pckstart_pageaddr
-- is not allocated by the end of first page, we PAUSE..
if(rp_rcv_first_page = '1') then
ll_entry.addr <= current_pckstart_pageaddr;
-- it may happen that LL FSM goes from SOF_ON_WR to IDLE and we
-- managed to write only one word to the start page before deciding
-- we drop the rest of the frame. Hence the conditional below:
if(mpm_dlast_d0 = '1') then
ll_entry.valid <= '1';
ll_entry.eof <= '1';
ll_entry.size <= rp_ll_entry_size;
ll_entry.addr <= rp_ll_entry_addr;
ll_entry.first_page_clr <= '0';
ll_entry.addr <= pckstart_pageaddr;
ll_entry.valid <= '0';
ll_entry.eof <= '0';
ll_entry.size <= (others => '0');
ll_entry.first_page_clr <= '1';
-- if we've already started sending new pck, then new page already can be allocated
-- (this is because we trigger allocation of new pckstart_pageaddr as soon as
-- we use it at the beginning of RCV_DATA)
-- but we need to clear previously allocated pckstart_pageaddr (this was stored
-- in current_pckstart_pageaddr).
-- such situation can happen only within the first page, if pckstart_pageaddr
-- is not allocated by the end of first page, we PAUSE..
if(rp_rcv_first_page = '1') then
ll_entry.addr <= current_pckstart_pageaddr;
ll_entry.addr <= pckstart_pageaddr;
end if;
end if;
ll_entry.size <= (others => '0');
ll_entry.next_page <= (others => '0');
ll_entry.next_page_valid <= '0';
ll_entry.first_page_clr <= '1';
s_ll_write <= S_WRITE;
end if;
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