Commit b17d5bbc authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

[RTU] xwrsw_rtu_new: added new rmon events

parent 647e53f4
...@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ entity xwrsw_rtu_new is ...@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ entity xwrsw_rtu_new is
g_cpu_port_num : integer := -1; --TODO: get rid of this g_cpu_port_num : integer := -1; --TODO: get rid of this
g_match_req_fifo_size : integer := 32; g_match_req_fifo_size : integer := 32;
g_port_mask_bits : integer; g_port_mask_bits : integer;
g_rmon_events_bits_pp : integer := 8); -- rmon events num ber per port g_rmon_events_bits_pp : integer := 9); -- rmon events num ber per port
port ( port (
clk_sys_i : in std_logic; clk_sys_i : in std_logic;
...@@ -267,6 +267,8 @@ architecture behavioral of xwrsw_rtu_new is ...@@ -267,6 +267,8 @@ architecture behavioral of xwrsw_rtu_new is
signal rsp : t_rtu_response_array(g_num_ports-1 downto 0); signal rsp : t_rtu_response_array(g_num_ports-1 downto 0);
signal htab_port : std_logic_vector(g_num_ports - 1 downto 0); signal htab_port : std_logic_vector(g_num_ports - 1 downto 0);
signal htab_src_dst : std_logic; signal htab_src_dst : std_logic;
signal dbg_forwarded_to_port : std_logic_vector(g_num_ports - 1 downto 0);
begin begin
zeros <= (others => '0'); zeros <= (others => '0');
...@@ -792,10 +794,12 @@ begin ...@@ -792,10 +794,12 @@ begin
vlan_tab_rd_entry4fast_match.prio, vlan_tab_rd_entry4fast_match.prio,
vlan_tab_rd_entry4fast_match.has_prio); vlan_tab_rd_entry4fast_match.has_prio);
events_gen: if(g_rmon_events_bits_pp = 8 ) generate events_gen: if(g_rmon_events_bits_pp = 9 ) generate
rmon_events_gen: for i in 0 to (g_num_ports - 1) generate rmon_events_gen: for i in 0 to (g_num_ports - 1) generate
rmon_events_o((i+1)*g_rmon_events_bits_pp-1 downto i*g_rmon_events_bits_pp) <= rmon_events_o((i+1)*g_rmon_events_bits_pp-1 downto i*g_rmon_events_bits_pp) <=
"00" & -- spare, to make the number nice ;-P dbg_forwarded_to_port(i) &
std_logic(rsp_valid and rsp_data(rsp_data'length - 1 - g_num_ports+i)) & -- FullMatch: resp valid
fast_match_rsp_valid(i) & -- FastMatch: resp valid
std_logic(fast_match_rsp_valid(i) and & -- FastMatch: non-forward (as config) std_logic(fast_match_rsp_valid(i) and & -- FastMatch: non-forward (as config)
std_logic(fast_match_rsp_valid(i) and fast_match_rsp_data.ff) & -- FastMatch: fast forward (as config) std_logic(fast_match_rsp_valid(i) and fast_match_rsp_data.ff) & -- FastMatch: fast forward (as config)
std_logic(fast_match_rsp_valid(i) and fast_match_rsp_data.hp) & -- FastMatch: high priority frames std_logic(fast_match_rsp_valid(i) and fast_match_rsp_data.hp) & -- FastMatch: high priority frames
...@@ -804,8 +808,20 @@ begin ...@@ -804,8 +808,20 @@ begin
std_logic(req_i(i).valid ) ; -- valid request std_logic(req_i(i).valid ) ; -- valid request
end generate rmon_events_gen; end generate rmon_events_gen;
end generate events_gen; end generate events_gen;
no_events_gen: if(g_rmon_events_bits_pp /= 8 ) generate no_events_gen: if(g_rmon_events_bits_pp /= 9 ) generate
rmon_events_o <= (others=>'0'); rmon_events_o <= (others=>'0');
assert true report "g_rmon_events_bits_pp not equal to the defined number of RMON event "; assert true report "g_rmon_events_bits_pp not equal to the defined number of RMON event ";
end generate no_events_gen; end generate no_events_gen;
fw_gen : for i in 0 to (g_num_ports - 1) generate
egress_port_p: process(rsp, rsp_ack_i)
variable fw : std_logic;
fw := '0';
L0: for j in 0 to (g_num_ports -1) loop
fw := fw or (rsp(j).valid and rsp(j).port_mask(i) and rsp_ack_i(j) and not rsp(j).drop);
end loop;
dbg_forwarded_to_port(i) <= fw;
end process;
end generate fw_gen;
end behavioral; end behavioral;
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