Commit af7c55d9 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

modules/swcore: allow force free only when VALID start page was written

Fix to commit
7618967d:"modules/swcore: bugfix, make sure that IB does not request
force_free before start page is written to the LL"
Making sure that start page was written to the LL is not enough. It has
to be valid, which means either have a pointer to the next page or EOF.
parent 1e2a2a6a
......@@ -2367,12 +2367,15 @@ rp_in_pck_error <= '1' when (rp_in_pck_err = '1' or in_pck_err = '1') else '0';
-- FF req is no more active.
ffree_mask <= '0';
elsif(ffree_mask = '0' and ll_entry.addr = current_pckstart_pageaddr and ll_wr_done_i = '1') then
elsif(ffree_mask = '0' and ll_entry.addr = current_pckstart_pageaddr and ll_wr_done_i = '1' and
ll_entry.valid='1' and (ll_entry.next_page_valid='1' or ll_entry.eof='1')) then
-- if we get ll_wr_done_i while LL FSM is in EOF_ON_WR, that means start
-- page will be written one more time to LL but this time with EOF bit
-- set. We have to wait for another ll_wr_done, therefore in that case
-- we don't yet set ffree_mask to '1', but only remember the situation
-- by setting ll_pckstart_stored to '1'.
-- Allow Force Free requests only if valid start page is written to LL.
-- Valid means either with next page pointer or EOF.
ll_pckstart_stored <= '1';
if(s_ll_write /= S_EOF_ON_WR) then
ffree_mask <= '1';
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