Commit ae6e7aac authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

reduce the number of global clks, use some of GTX with BUFR

parent 434dfc24
......@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ package wrsw_top_pkg is
component wr_gtx_phy_virtex6
generic (
g_simulation : integer;
g_use_slave_tx_clock : integer);
g_use_slave_tx_clock : integer;
g_use_bufr : boolean := false);
port (
clk_ref_i : in std_logic;
clk_gtx_i : in std_logic;
......@@ -512,12 +512,44 @@ begin
clk_gtx(13 downto 10) <= (others => clk_gtx4_7);
clk_gtx(17 downto 14) <= (others => clk_gtx0_3);
gen_phys : for i in 0 to c_NUM_PHYS-1 generate
--generate first 4 GTXes with BUFR to reduce the number of global clocks
gen_phys_bufr : for i in 0 to 3 generate
U_PHY : wr_gtx_phy_virtex6
generic map (
g_simulation => f_bool2int(g_simulation),
g_use_slave_tx_clock => f_bool2int(i /= (i/4)*4))
g_use_slave_tx_clock => f_bool2int(i /= (i/4)*4),
g_use_bufr => true)
port map (
clk_gtx_i => clk_gtx(i),
clk_ref_i => clk_ref,
tx_data_i => to_phys(i).tx_data,
tx_k_i => to_phys(i).tx_k,
tx_disparity_o => from_phys(i).tx_disparity,
tx_enc_err_o => from_phys(i).tx_enc_err,
rx_rbclk_o => from_phys(i).rx_clk,
rx_data_o => from_phys(i).rx_data,
rx_k_o => from_phys(i).rx_k,
rx_enc_err_o => from_phys(i).rx_enc_err,
rx_bitslide_o => from_phys(i).rx_bitslide,
rst_i => to_phys(i).rst,
loopen_i => to_phys(i).loopen,
pad_txn_o => gtx_txn_o(i),
pad_txp_o => gtx_txp_o(i),
pad_rxn_i => gtx_rxn_i(i),
pad_rxp_i => gtx_rxp_i(i));
from_phys(i).ref_clk <= clk_ref;
end generate gen_phys_bufr;
gen_phys : for i in 4 to c_NUM_PHYS-1 generate
U_PHY : wr_gtx_phy_virtex6
generic map (
g_simulation => f_bool2int(g_simulation),
g_use_slave_tx_clock => f_bool2int(i /= (i/4)*4),
g_use_bufr => false)
port map (
clk_gtx_i => clk_gtx(i),
clk_ref_i => clk_ref,
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