Commit 4b4e4c85 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

modules/rtu: produce response to every request when swcore stops acking them due to lack of pages

When IB in the swcore was stuck waiting for the start page allocation, port
fsm in the RTU was stuck in S_FINAL_MASK. If one new request managed to
arrive before endpoint got rtu_full signal, the response for that
request was lost. The result was misaligmnet of the rtu decisions with
frames in the IB of the swcore.
parent 8f735f89
......@@ -186,6 +186,9 @@ architecture behavioral of rtu_port_new is
signal full_match_aboard : std_logic;
signal full_match_aboard_d : std_logic;
signal aboard_possible : std_logic;
signal fast_valid_reg : std_logic;
signal full_valid_reg : std_logic;
signal new_full_on_final_msk : std_logic;
-- VHDL -- lovn' it
signal zeros : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
signal dbg_force_fast_match_only : std_logic;
......@@ -433,7 +436,7 @@ begin
if(full_match_aboard = '1') then
full_match_aboard_d <= '1';
elsif(rsp.valid = '1' and rtu_rsp_ack_i ='1') then
elsif(port_state = S_RESPONSE) then
full_match_aboard_d <= '0';
end if;
......@@ -451,7 +454,7 @@ begin
elsif(full_match_valid = '1' ) then
full_match_req_in_progress <= '0';
full_match <= full_match_in;
elsif(port_state = S_FINAL_MASK) then
elsif(port_state = S_FINAL_MASK and new_full_on_final_msk='0') then
full_match_req_in_progress <= '0';
end if;
end if;
......@@ -477,6 +480,17 @@ begin
end if;
end process p_rq_rsp_cnt;
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if(rst_n_i='0' or full_match_valid='1') then
new_full_on_final_msk <= '0';
elsif(full_match_wr_req='1' and rsp.valid='1' and port_state=S_FINAL_MASK) then
new_full_on_final_msk <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
--| (state transitions)
......@@ -491,6 +505,8 @@ begin
port_state <= S_IDLE;
rsp <= c_rtu_rsp_zero;
delayed_full_match_wr_req <= '0';
fast_valid_reg <= '0';
full_valid_reg <= '0';
-- FSM
......@@ -499,7 +515,9 @@ begin
--| IDLE: waiting for the request from a port
when S_IDLE =>
fast_valid_reg <= '0';
full_valid_reg <= '0';
if(fast_match_wr_req = '1' or
new_req_at_full_match_rsp_d = '1') then -- should not be used, but just in case
port_state <= S_FAST_MATCH;
......@@ -523,21 +541,29 @@ begin
-- full request now, if yes, go for it
delayed_full_match_wr_req <= '1';
end if;
elsif(fast_match_rd_valid = '1' and fast_match_wr_req_d = '1') then
elsif((fast_match_rd_valid = '1' and fast_match_wr_req_d = '1') or fast_valid_reg='1') then
fast_valid_reg <= '0';
-- response the current fast_match request, registered
-- fast_match <= fast_match_rd_data_i;
if(dbg_force_fast_match_only = '1') then
port_state <= S_FINAL_MASK;
elsif( = '1' or -- non-forward (link-limited) e.g.: BPDU
elsif(fast_match_rd_valid = '1' and
( = '1' or -- non-forward (link-limited) e.g.: BPDU
fast_match_rd_data_i.ff = '1' or -- fast forward recongized
fast_match_rd_data_i.drop = '1' or -- no point in further work (drop due to VLAN)
full_match_aboard = '1') then -- aboard because next frame received
full_match_aboard = '1')) then -- aboard because next frame received
-- if we recognizd special traffic or aboard request , we don't need full match
port_state <= S_FINAL_MASK;
elsif(fast_valid_reg='1' and
( = '1' or fast_match.ff = '1' or
fast_match.drop = '1' or full_match_aboard = '1')) then
-- the situation when we got here from FINAL_MASK
port_state <= S_FINAL_MASK;
-- go for full match (can be abanoned any time)
port_state <= S_FULL_MATCH;
if(full_match_req_in_progress = '0' and full_match_wr_full_i = '0' and rq_rsp_cnt = 0) then
if(full_match_req_in_progress = '0' and full_match_wr_full_i = '0' and
rq_rsp_cnt = 0 and full_valid_reg='0') then
-- if full_match was not requested at the very beginning (directly from input requests)
-- it means that at that time old full_request was handled, check whether we can do
-- full request now, if yes, go for it
......@@ -562,16 +588,18 @@ begin
if(rtu_rq_abort_i = '1' or rtu_rsp_abort_i = '1') then
port_state <= S_IDLE;
delayed_full_match_wr_req <= '0';
elsif(full_match_aboard = '0' and full_match_req_in_progress = '0' and full_match_wr_full_i = '0' and rq_rsp_cnt = 0) then
elsif(full_match_aboard = '0' and full_match_req_in_progress = '0' and
full_match_wr_full_i = '0' and rq_rsp_cnt = 0 and full_valid_reg='0') then
-- request full match access
delayed_full_match_wr_req <= '1';
delayed_full_match_wr_req <= '0';
end if;
if(full_match_valid = '1') then --
if(full_match_valid = '1' or full_valid_reg = '1') then --
-- full match done (input data registered in separate process)
port_state <= S_FINAL_MASK;
full_valid_reg <= '0';
elsif(full_match_aboard = '1' and fast_match.valid = '1') then
-- aboard waiting for full match
port_state <= S_FINAL_MASK;
......@@ -633,7 +661,14 @@ begin
end if;
port_state <= S_RESPONSE;
end if;
end if;
if(fast_match_rd_valid = '1') then
fast_valid_reg <= '1';
end if;
if(full_match_valid = '1') then
full_valid_reg <= '1';
end if;
--| in this state the answer is made available on the output (rtu_rsp_o). it is available until
--| the reception is acked by SWcore. However, new request from Endpoint can be handled in this time.
......@@ -641,7 +676,8 @@ begin
when S_RESPONSE =>
if((full_match_aboard_d = '1' or new_req_at_full_match_rsp_d = '1' or fast_match_wr_req = '1') and match_required ='1') then
if((full_match_aboard_d = '1' or new_req_at_full_match_rsp_d = '1' or fast_match_wr_req = '1')
and match_required ='1') then
-- if we are in this state because we received abanddon request and match is
-- required (RTU enabled/no mirroring), we go straight to FAST_MATCH
port_state <= S_FAST_MATCH;
......@@ -653,6 +689,13 @@ begin
-- go and wait for new requests
port_state <= S_IDLE;
end if;
if(fast_match_rd_valid = '1') then
fast_valid_reg <= '1';
end if;
if(full_match_valid = '1') then
full_valid_reg <= '1';
end if;
--| OTHER:
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