Commit 4618fd1f authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

modules/swcore: fix rcv_fsm conditional to prevent false force free

Without this fix, when previous frame was whole dropped, transfer fsm was still
in DROP state, while RCV fsm was going to S_IDLE. In that case, RCV fsm saw
tp_drop high and it was doing force_free of a correctly received frame (the one
before dropped frame).
The conditional statement is needed, but it had to be fixed to work according to
description in the comment - i.e. dropping frame when RTU decision is very late.
parent 22e38c23
......@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ begin --archS_PCKSTART_SET_AND_REQ
snk_stall_force_l <= '1';
in_pck_dvalid_d0 <= '0';
in_pck_dat_d0 <= (others => '0');
rtu_rsp_abort_o <= '0';
rtu_rsp_abort_o <= '0';
-- Sync with trasnfer_pck FSM and ll_write FSM:
if(lw_sync_first_stage = '1' and tp_sync = '1') then
......@@ -836,6 +836,7 @@ begin --archS_PCKSTART_SET_AND_REQ
-- in such case, we will get tp_drop before getting tp_sync, but we will
-- still have tp_drop when finally tp_sync is HIGH, so this is why the order of if's
elsif(tp_drop = '1' and -- transfer_pck state indicates the drop decision
s_transfer_pck /= S_DROP and
mmu_force_free_req = '0') then -- the pck is not being freed yet
mmu_force_free_addr <= current_pckstart_pageaddr;
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