Commit 0f6b926b authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

[testbench] added hard-core stress testing of full load at all ports

parent db4a4ece
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ module main;
reg [g_max_ports-1:0] portRtuEnabled = 18'b111111111111111111; //
integer repeat_number = 20;
integer tries_number = 3;
integer vid_init_for_inc = 0; // with opt 666
integer vid_init_for_inc = 0; // with opt 666 and 668
// reg [31:0] vlan_port_mask = 32'hFFFFFFFF;
reg [31:0] mirror_src_mask = 'h00000002;
reg [31:0] mirror_dst_mask = 'h00000080;
......@@ -2052,7 +2052,7 @@ module main;
* test 100% (high) with tagging/untagging
initial begin
portUnderTest = 18'b100000000000000001;
g_enable_pck_gaps = 0;
......@@ -2072,7 +2072,7 @@ module main;
trans_paths[17] = '{17 ,0 ,0};
/** *************************** test scenario 65 ************************************* **/
* test 100% (high) with tagging/untagging
......@@ -2116,6 +2116,99 @@ module main;
/** *************************** test scenario 67 ************************************* **/
* stress test on all ports with Unicast
* problem - to be investigated - cuts frames
initial begin
portUnderTest = 18'b1111111111111111111;
g_enable_pck_gaps = 0;
repeat_number = 500000;
tries_number = 1;
g_force_payload_size = 46*7;
g_is_qvlan = 0;
// tx ,rx ,opt
/** *************************** test scenario 68 ************************************* **/
* stress test on all ports with Unicast
initial begin
portUnderTest = 18'b1111111111111111111;
g_enable_pck_gaps = 0;
repeat_number = 10;
tries_number = 1;
g_force_payload_size = 300;
g_is_qvlan = 0;
// tx ,rx ,opt
/** *************************** test scenario 69 ************************************* **/
* stress test on all ports with Braodcast+FastForward
initial begin
// mask , fid , prio,has_p,overr, drop , vid, valid
sim_vlan_tab[ 0] = '{'{32'h00000001, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 0, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[ 1] = '{'{32'h00000002, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 1, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[ 2] = '{'{32'h00000004, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 2, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[ 3] = '{'{32'h00000008, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 3, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[ 4] = '{'{32'h00000010, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 4, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[ 5] = '{'{32'h00000020, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 5, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[ 6] = '{'{32'h00000040, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 6, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[ 7] = '{'{32'h00000080, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 7, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[ 8] = '{'{32'h00000100, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 8, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[ 9] = '{'{32'h00000200, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 9, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[10] = '{'{32'h00000400, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 10, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[11] = '{'{32'h00000800, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 11, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[12] = '{'{32'h00001000, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 12, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[13] = '{'{32'h00002000, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 13, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[14] = '{'{32'h00004000, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 14, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[15] = '{'{32'h00008000, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 15, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[16] = '{'{32'h00010000, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 16, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[17] = '{'{32'h00020000, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 17, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[18] = '{'{32'h00040000, 8'h0, 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 18, 1'b1 };
// tx ,rx ,opt (send from port tx to rx with option opt
trans_paths[ 0]='{0 ,17 , 668 }; // port 0:
trans_paths[ 1]='{1 ,16 , 668 }; // port 1
trans_paths[ 2]='{2 ,15 , 668 }; // port 2
trans_paths[ 3]='{3 ,14 , 668 }; // port 3
trans_paths[ 4]='{4 ,13 , 668 }; // port 4
trans_paths[ 5]='{5 ,12 , 668 }; // port 5
trans_paths[ 6]='{6 ,11 , 668 }; // port 6
trans_paths[ 7]='{7 ,10 , 668 }; // port 7
trans_paths[ 8]='{8 ,9 , 668 }; // port 8
trans_paths[ 9]='{9 ,8 , 668 }; // port 9
trans_paths[10]='{10 ,7 , 668 }; // port 10
trans_paths[11]='{11 ,6 , 668 }; // port 11
trans_paths[12]='{12 ,5 , 668 }; // port 12
trans_paths[13]='{13 ,4 , 668 }; // port 13
trans_paths[14]='{14 ,3 , 668 }; // port 14
trans_paths[15]='{15 ,2 , 668 }; // port 15
trans_paths[16]='{16 ,1 , 668 }; // port 16
trans_paths[17]='{17 ,0 , 668 }; // port 17
portUnderTest = 18'b1111111111111111111;
g_enable_pck_gaps = 0;
repeat_number = 10;
tries_number = 1;
g_force_payload_size = 42;
mac_br = 1;
g_is_qvlan = 1;
// tx ,rx ,opt
......@@ -2180,7 +2273,7 @@ module main;
tmpl.dst = '{'h01, 'h80, 'hC2, 'h00, 'h00, 'h00}; //BPDU
else if(opt==3)
tmpl.dst = '{17, 'h50, 'hca, 'hfe, 'hba, 'hbe};
else if(opt==4 || opt==10 || opt==13 || opt==201 || opt == 203 || opt == 204 || opt == 205 || opt == 206 || opt == 207 || opt == 444 || opt==666|| opt==667)
else if(opt==4 || opt==10 || opt==13 || opt==201 || opt == 203 || opt == 204 || opt == 205 || opt == 206 || opt == 207 || opt == 444 || opt==666|| opt==667 || opt==668)
tmpl.dst = '{'hFF, 'hFF, 'hFF, 'hFF, 'hFF, 'hFF}; // broadcast
else if(opt==5)
tmpl.dst = '{'h11, 'h50, 'hca, 'hfe, 'hba, 'hbe}; // single Fast Forward
......@@ -2305,6 +2398,8 @@ module main;
pkt.vid = vid_init_for_inc+srcPort;
else if(opt== 667)
pkt.vid = (vid_init_for_inc+srcPort+i)%18;
else if(opt == 668)
pkt.vid = vid_init_for_inc+dstPort;
arr[i] = pkt;
// repeat(60) @(posedge clk_sys);
......@@ -2321,7 +2416,7 @@ module main;
$display("|<= RX: port = %2d, pck_i = %4d (size=%2d)" , dstPort, j, pkt2.payload.size);
arr[j].is_q = 0;
if((pkt.payload.size != pkt2.payload.size) || !arr[j].equal(pkt2))
$display("Fault at %d", j);
$display("Should be: ");
......@@ -3696,7 +3791,7 @@ module main;
for(int g=0;g<tries_number;g++)
$display("Try port_0:%d", g);
$display("Try port_%d:%d", qq, g);
tx_test(seed /* seed */,
repeat_number /* n_tries */,
g_is_qvlan /* is_q */,
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