Commit 0f5f8a6a authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

top/scb_8ports: un-commented GTX8-11 clock in the UCF file (was assigned to wrong pins by default)

parent 39e4fa67
......@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ NET "clk_sel_o" LOC="AK17";
#NET "gtx4_7_clk_n_i" IOSTANDARD="LVPECL_25";
#NET "gtx4_7_clk_p_i" IOSTANDARD="LVPECL_25";
#NET "gtx8_11_clk_n_i" LOC="V5";
#NET "gtx8_11_clk_p_i" LOC="V6";
NET "gtx8_11_clk_n_i" LOC="V5";
NET "gtx8_11_clk_p_i" LOC="V6";
#NET "gtx8_11_clk_n_i" IOSTANDARD="LVPECL_25";
#NET "gtx8_11_clk_p_i" IOSTANDARD="LVPECL_25";
NET "gtx8_11_clk_n_i" IOSTANDARD="LVPECL_25";
NET "gtx8_11_clk_p_i" IOSTANDARD="LVPECL_25";
NET "gtx12_15_clk_n_i" LOC="P5";
NET "gtx12_15_clk_p_i" LOC="P6";
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