Commit 3e3859cc authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

WR chagnes for PTPv3: sent to J.Eidson

parent 6c523613
......@@ -312,8 +312,12 @@ Machine (clause~\ref{chap:modifiedFSM})
\subsubsection{Modified State Decision Algorithm}
The modified State Decision Algorithm shall recommend the next state of a \textit{clockClass=3 clock}
port according to the value of portDS.configState, i.e. as outlined in \cite{JohnExpliciteState}.
Clocks with \textit{clockClass=3} have ports whose next state shall be recommended by the modified
State Decision Algorithm. This algorithm shall base its decision on the value of portDS.configState,
as outlined in \cite{JohnExpliciteState}.
% The modified State Decision Algorithm shall recommend the next state of a \textit{clockClass=3 clock}
% port according to the value of portDS.configState, i.e. as outlined in \cite{JohnExpliciteState}.
% The modification to the State Decision Algorithm shall cause a port of \textit{clockClass=3 clock} to
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