Commit fd467fd2 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

update wrpc testbench

parent 9211cad9
`define WIRE_VHD_SV_WRFSRC(vhd_dst, sv_src) \
assign vhd_dst``_i.cyc = sv_src.cyc; \
assign vhd_dst``_i.stb = sv_src.stb; \
assign vhd_dst``_i.adr = sv_src.adr; \
assign vhd_dst``_i.dat = sv_src.dat_o; \
assign vhd_dst``_i.sel = sv_src.sel; \
assign vhd_dst``_i.we = sv_src.we; \
assign sv_src.ack = vhd_dst``_o.ack; \
assign sv_src.err = vhd_dst``_o.err; \
assign sv_src.stall = vhd_dst``_o.stall;
`define WIRE_VHD_SV_WRFSNK(sv_dst, vhd_src) \
assign sv_dst.cyc = vhd_src``_o.cyc; \
assign sv_dst.stb = vhd_src``_o.stb; \
assign sv_dst.adr = vhd_src``_o.adr; \
assign sv_dst.dat_o = vhd_src``_o.dat; \
assign sv_dst.sel = vhd_src``_o.sel; \
assign sv_dst.we = vhd_src``_o.we; \
assign vhd_src``_i.ack = sv_dst.ack; \
assign vhd_src``_i.err = sv_dst.err; \
assign vhd_src``_i.stall = sv_dst.stall;
`define WIRE_VHD_SV_WBM(vhd_dst, sv_src) \
assign vhd_dst``_o.cyc = sv_src.cyc; \
assign vhd_dst``_o.stb = sv_src.stb; \
assign vhd_dst``_o.adr = sv_src.adr; \
assign vhd_dst``_o.dat = sv_src.dat_o; \
assign vhd_dst``_o.sel = sv_src.sel; \
assign vhd_dst``_o.we = sv_src.we; \
assign sv_src.ack = vhd_dst``_i.ack; \
assign sv_src.err = vhd_dst``_i.err; \
assign sv_src.dat_i = vhd_dst``_i.dat; \
assign sv_src.stall = vhd_dst``_i.stall;
int tx_sizes[$], tx_padded[$];
task send_frames(WBPacketSource src, int n_packets);
int i, seed = 0,n1=0,n2=0;
int cur_size, dir;
EthPacket pkt, tmpl;
EthPacket to_ext[$], to_minic[$];
EthPacketGenerator gen = new;
tmpl = new;
tmpl.src = '{22,33,44,44,55,66};
tmpl.dst = '{'hff,'hff,'hff,'hff,'hff,'hff};
//tmpl.dst = '{'h01,'h1b,'h19,'h00,'h00,'h00}; // PTP dst MAC
tmpl.has_smac = 1;
tmpl.is_q = 0;
tmpl.ethertype = {'h0800};
//tmpl.ethertype = {'hdbff};
//tmpl.ethertype = {'h88f7};
//gen.set_randomization(EthPacketGenerator::SEQ_PAYLOAD | EthPacketGenerator::ETHERTYPE /*| EthPacketGenerator::RX_OOB*/) ;
gen.set_randomization(EthPacketGenerator::SEQ_PAYLOAD ) ;
gen.set_size(1, 1500);
cur_size = 60;
dir = 1;
for(i=0;i<n_packets;i++) begin
/* switch between incrementing/decrementing */
if(cur_size == 1495)
dir = 0;
if(cur_size == 1)
dir = 1;
/* increment/decrement frame size, based on dir */
if(dir == 1)
cur_size += 1;
cur_size -= 1;
pkt = gen.gen(cur_size);
//pkt = gen.gen();
tx_sizes = {tx_sizes, pkt.size};
tx_padded = {tx_padded, padded_size(pkt)};
function int nopad_size(EthPacket pkt);
int i;
if(pkt.size > 64)
nopad_size = pkt.size;
else begin
nopad_size = 1;
for(i=1; i<pkt.size; i++) begin
if(pkt.payload[i]==0) break;
nopad_size = nopad_size + 1;
nopad_size = nopad_size + 14; //+header
function int padded_size(EthPacket pkt);
if(pkt.size < 60) padded_size = 60;
else padded_size = pkt.size;
function int find_pkt_size(EthPacket pkt, int start, int limit);
int i;
for(i=start; i<start+limit; i++) begin
if(pkt.size == tx_sizes[i])
return i;
return -1;
This diff is collapsed.
#vlog -dpiheader dpi/minic_dpi.h -sv +incdir+"." +incdir+../../../sim
vlog -sv +incdir+"." +incdir+../../../sim
make -f Makefile
#vsim -sv_lib dpi/minic -L unisim -t 10fs work.main -voptargs="+acc"
vsim -L unisim -t 10fs work.main -voptargs="+acc"
set StdArithNoWarnings 1
set NumericStdNoWarnings 1
radix -hexadecimal
run 25ms
run 200ms
wave zoomfull
radix -hexadecimal
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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