Commit d7703f1b authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

softpll: update so that also doc is generated

parent 230ab94b
wbgen2 -C softpll_regs.h -V spll_wb_slave.vhd -K ../../sim/softpll_regs_ng.vh -C softpll_regs.h --hstyle record -p spll_wbgen2_pkg.vhd spll_wb_slave.wb
\ No newline at end of file
wbgen2 -D ./doc/softpll.html -C softpll_regs.h -V spll_wb_slave.vhd -K ../../sim/softpll_regs_ng.vh -C softpll_regs.h --hstyle record -p spll_wbgen2_pkg.vhd spll_wb_slave.wb
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