Commit d1d1cc49 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

platform/xilinx: select appropriate platform based on the FPGA family, not synthesis tool

parent f7aafcbd
Pipeline #484 passed with stages
in 59 minutes and 1 second
if syn_tool=="vivado":
if (syn_device[0:4].upper()=="XC7A" or syn_device[0:4].upper()=="XC7K" or
files = [ "wr_xilinx_pkg.vhd", "xwrc_platform_vivado.vhd" ]
elif syn_tool=="ise":
files = [ "wr_xilinx_pkg.vhd", "xwrc_platform_xilinx.vhd" ]
modules = {"local" : ["wr_gtp_phy", "chipscope"]}
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