Commit c23ed1b5 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

platform/xilinx/wr_gtp_phy: fix for simulation

because of assigning clock signals, sometimes that simulator gets lost,
in such case the input ch{0/1}_rx_data_o is faster than ch{0/1}_rx_rbclk_o.
To make sure it works ok, artificial 1ns delay is introduced.
parent b8aee73b
......@@ -519,9 +519,9 @@ begin -- rtl
ch0_rx_k_o <= '1';
ch0_rx_enc_err_o <= '1';
ch0_rx_data_o <= ch0_rx_data_int;
ch0_rx_k_o <= ch0_rx_k_int;
ch0_rx_enc_err_o <= ch0_rx_disperr or ch0_rx_invcode;
ch0_rx_data_o <= ch0_rx_data_int after 1ns;
ch0_rx_k_o <= ch0_rx_k_int after 1ns;
ch0_rx_enc_err_o <= (ch0_rx_disperr or ch0_rx_invcode) after 1ns;
end if;
end if;
end process;
......@@ -674,9 +674,9 @@ begin -- rtl
ch1_rx_k_o <= '1';
ch1_rx_enc_err_o <= '1';
ch1_rx_data_o <= ch1_rx_data_int;
ch1_rx_k_o <= ch1_rx_k_int;
ch1_rx_enc_err_o <= ch1_rx_disperr or ch1_rx_invcode;
ch1_rx_data_o <= ch1_rx_data_int after 1ns;
ch1_rx_k_o <= ch1_rx_k_int after 1ns;
ch1_rx_enc_err_o <= (ch1_rx_disperr or ch1_rx_invcode) after 1ns;
end if;
end if;
end process;
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