Commit 5c72bcc0 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

[tb/EP+WRPC] autonegotiation is now enabled in the initialization of EP

- in the Endpoint of WRPC, the autonegotiation is enabled
- in the Endpoint of simulation, the autonegotiation was disabled
- This mismatch of configuration prevented stuff from working. Fixed
  by enabling autonegotiation in simulation
parent 47a5d869
......@@ -147,10 +147,14 @@ class CSimDrv_WR_Endpoint;
task init(int port_id);
uint64_t rval;
m_acc.write(m_base + `ADDR_EP_ECR, `EP_ECR_TX_EN | `EP_ECR_RX_EN | (port_id << `EP_ECR_PORTID_OFFSET)) ;
m_acc.write(m_base + `ADDR_EP_RFCR, 1518 << `EP_RFCR_MRU_OFFSET);
m_acc.write(m_base + `ADDR_EP_TSCR, `EP_TSCR_EN_RXTS | `EP_TSCR_EN_TXTS);
//enable auto-negotiation
mdio_write(`ADDR_MDIO_MCR, rval);
endtask // init
task automatic mdio_read(int addr, output int val);
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