Commit 1df14347 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

[tb/wrpc] quick-fix: comment out make in as its output stops

the script

NOTE: you need to run make before do ...
parent 2e493820
#vlog -dpiheader dpi/minic_dpi.h -sv +incdir+"." +incdir+../../sim
vlog -sv +incdir+"." +incdir+../../sim
make -f Makefile
#make -f Makefile
#vsim -sv_lib dpi/minic -L unisim -t 10fs work.main -voptargs="+acc"
vsim -L unisim -t 10fs work.main -voptargs="+acc"
set StdArithNoWarnings 1
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