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  • Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar
    wrsw_nic/nic_descriptor_manager: reorganized FSM and some signal assignments · 6d2960c7
    Grzegorz Daniluk authored
    - removed ARB_DISABLED state, instead FSM is hold in ARB_START_SCAN
      unless module is enabled
    - removed declarations of unused signals (granted_desc_idx, desc_idx_d0,
      check_count, stupid_hack)
    - moved assignment of outputs validated with other signals outside FSM
      to simplify the logic (txdesc_current_o/rxdesc_current_o are validated
      by desc_grant_o, and stored in internal registers of nic_rx_fsm and
    - rewritten ARB_WRITE_DESC state, so that data output is driven by
      desc_subreg counter instead of separate counter in case statement.
    - more exotic regnums in marshalling functions (nic_descriptors_pkg) to
      minimize logic required to output correct data when needed in modified
      ARB_WRITE_DESC state