• Maciej Lipinski's avatar
    [streamers/review] added generic that allows to use RX-only or TX-only · 4539e36f
    Maciej Lipinski authored
    - when instantiating wr_transmission (top streamers), it is now possible
      to define that only RX or only TX or both (RX and TX) streamers are used.
      this is to save resources and still use all the other goodies added to
      the streamers and also wrpc/wr-cores (this configuration will be
      propagated to the top of board entity in the next commit. So, the
      user can still use the board (and even ref-design) and instantiate
      only reception (or tranmission) to save resources
    - the statistics entity is now split into 3 entities (top, rx, tx)
xtx_streamers_stats.vhd 4.67 KB