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  • Wesley W. Terpstra's avatar
    softpll: fix power-on reset glitch · 3c10d567
    Wesley W. Terpstra authored and Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk committed
    The softpll_ng takes in a reset line from the sys clock domain.
    It instantiates several dmtd_with_deglitcher FSMs which need reset.
    The symptom of this bug is that on 3% of power-ups, some of the
    deglitchers will not issue tags, because they power-on into an
    undefined FSM state. This is caused by feeding the reset from a
    different clock domain, leading to a race condition on release.
    There was some code that probably used to solve this issue, whereby
    the sys reset was synchronized to the clk_dmtd_i. However, the
    softpll_ng instantiates multiple deglitchers, each in a different
    domain and thus this single synchronizer chain can not work for all
    of the deglitcher instances.
    The fix is simple: synchronize the reset for each clock domain.