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  • Maciej Lipinski's avatar
    [board/common] cleanup of aux_diag · 170aaec4
    Maciej Lipinski authored
    The idea behind aux_diag:
    - provide generic mechanism to diagnose application connected to WRPC
      via SNMP
    - now, it is used to diagnose WR Streamers and later a user can
      define usage of aux_diag
    - it can also happen that aux_diag is used for streamers and user-defined
    Thus, the following changes were made:
    - diag_id=1 is reserved for wr_streamers
    - diag_id=0 is reserved for "not used"
    - if the input to board is diag_id=0, and streamers are enabled,
      diag_id is 1 and the aux_diag in/out of WRPC is the one of the
    - if the input to board is diag_id>1, and streamers are enabled,
      diag_id is the input diag_id and the aux_diag in/out of WRPC is
      concatenation of the diag from streamers and input aux_diag
    - if the input ot board is diag_id>1, and streamers are disabled,
      diag_id and aux_diag in/out comes from the user