# Development
*Coding conventions:**
In general, the OHR VHDL coding guidelines should be followed. However,
due to large complexity of some of the modules, there are some
- you must not prefix signals with `s_`.
- if the module inteface comprises multiple repetitive signals, use
structures instead of flattened `std_logic` ports. This makes the
interconnections between the modules much easier to understand and
less error prone. For compatibility with Verilog and gate-level
simulations, you should provide a module with flattened ports. Names
of modules with structs in ports are prefixed with `x`, for
\-- version with structs
entity xwr\_module is
port (
wb\_i : t\_wishbone\_slave\_in;
wb\_o : t\_wishbone\_slave\_out
end xwr\_module;
\-- version without structs
entity wr\_module is
port (
wb\_adr\_i : in std\_logic\_vector;
wb\_dat\_i : in std\_logic\_vector;
wb\_ack\_o : out std\_logic;
end wr\_module;
- do not type in UPPERCASE.